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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

5(monday through Friday)-for work!

Weekends I go bare faced with just a little lipstick or gloss! Unless we are going somewhere formal-Dinner, wedding,etc........ I like to give my face a breather on the weekends!

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

The only time I do not wear make-up is on a day when I have no plans to leave the house.


I'm retired so do not necessarily do a full face but I always put on my (non existent) eyebrows, a little eyeliner and mascara when I run errands.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

I'm retired now but still want to look decent for my husband. He only sees me bare face getting out of the shower. I feel more comfortable looking slightly "made up". He appreciates the effort I always make. Woman HappyHeart

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

I only "fix" my face a couple of days a week because 1) I stay home a lot and 2) because I save my good makeup - Alexandra deMarkoff.  I wish you'd find a way to sell it on air.  Honestly, it's the BEST ever.   It's like wearing air - very light but beautiful coverage.  It used to be available in high-end retailers but now it's only on line and hard to find and get.   Somebody.....please try to get this line and sell it.  PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

On average, zero. I do use a DIY tinted moisturizer when I go to work to cover up some redness around my nose and chin and even my skin tone.  I do more often in the winter than the summer because when it's hot and humid, I end up with mascara everywhere and my cheeks flush so there's no need for blush.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

@feline groovy wrote:

A very interesting FYI re: our skin:


Skin actually doesn't "breathe".

Not externally, anyway.


Your skin is nourished from the oxygen and nutrients carried in the blood. No measurable amount of oxygen is absorbed from the outside air.


Your outer skin does eliminate toxins, sweat, and oil and absorbs moisture from the air.


But when you put a heavy cream or foundation on, for instance, your skin is less able to function properly.


These occlusive coverings (foundations and heavy creams) can inhibit elimination and absorption, but not of the actual oxygen nourishing the skin. 

I'm very skeptical of the claim here that a heavy cream or foundation lessens the skin's ability to function properly.


Perhaps this beauty blogger means to say that if one has a tendency to get clogged pores or has sensitive skin, then certain products like some oils, fragrances, or any allergens might  exacerbate that problem.


Otherwise, as long as you cleanse properly, there is no proven reason to avoid makeup or creams in terms of skin not being able to breathe or being adversely affected in any way. Sometimes, though, it just feels better to have nothing on your skin, particularly in very hot, humid weather. But that's an aesthetic factor.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

Seven days.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

Retired, but active in a very social environment.  I apply makeup everyday, but barely on several of those days.  Depends on what I'm doing.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

I don't walk out to my kitchen in the morning until I have showered, wash my hair. curled it , make up on and dressed. There is not a day that I go with out earrings also. Even if I stay home I am always ready to have some one come here with out calling first.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

5 days a week for work, but I don't know that it's a full face of make-up.  I use only eye liner, brow liner and lip gloss or lipstick and I'm done.  For more formal occasions I break out some shadow and mascara.  I'm not much of a make-up person - I feel like I look like a clown if I put make-up on.  I don't feel like me - if that makes sense.