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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

@BlingQueen022 wrote:

wow, after reading these responses I'm not sure if I want to retire fully or not now come next spring.  Sitting in a house without going out would drive me nuts.  I may have to.

I got laid off last year and my husband said I didn't have to find another job if I didn't want to and I didn't. I don't miss corporate America one tiny bit. I don't go out everyday by choice but I find I can keep myself busy with stuff around the house. As for not wearing makeup. I find it freeing. My face isn't oily and grimy by the end of the day. Often it's way to hot to bother with it anyway. Supposed to be 107 today. 90's next week. When I was working there was no one there I cared enough about to impress. I just wore makeup because I felt I had to. Never wore much anyway. Mascara, blusher and tinted moisturizer. No lipstick or gloss.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

"Full face" for me is typically eyeliner, mascara, and a tinted lip balm.  That's it.  And I do that everyday unless I'm sick.  If we go to a wedding, charity event, theater etc, I'll add in Josie Maran's tinted moisturizer, a little blush and a deeper lipstick.  My look is very simple...having full brows and dark olive skin aids my minimalist approach!

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

Still working full-time, so usually 6 days a week (church on Sunday). Though I almost always at least put on a CC and some blush, even if I'm staying at home. Makes me feel better!

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?


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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

[ Edited ]

@BlingQueen022 wrote:

wow, after reading these responses I'm not sure if I want to retire fully or not now come next spring.  Sitting in a house without going out would drive me nuts.  I may have to rethink this.  


If you're a born introvert (like I am), it's easy.

And you're not just "sitting".


You can then 'be with people' whenever you're up to it.  ;-)

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

I only wear it normally once a week to church on Sunday.  Unles there is another reason or occassion to be presentable.  The gym does not count in this category.

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

The only sunscreen I'll use on my face is tinted too dark, so I have to mix it with a winter shade of foundation. 


That and lipstick is my 5-6 days a week makeup. 


Only do eye make up on weekends if we're going anywhere or companies coming over (other than family!).

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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?


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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

I try to sneak out without it sometimes, but frankly, it's better to have it on every day for work. I tend not to put it on for Saturday, but if I go shopping, I put on a full face. I just look better. In fact, I put on a fancy face (dramatic eyes) for a concert and dinner and I was surprised how much better I looked.


My face is usually:

IT CC foundation (I try other stuff, but keep coming back to it.)

IT face disk for blush/contour/highlight (great product, just wish the blush were blue/pink not peach pink.)

Too Faced eye palette in neutrals--with dark eye liner. 

Too Faced nude or lip color pink lipstick, sometimes Mally's French Kiss pink. I don't often wear dark lipstick. I think it's aging on me. (I'm in my 60s though look somewhat younger.)

Sometimes IT powder if I look shiny

Mascara (Maybelline in black, any volumizing formula.)


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Re: How many days a week do you wear full face makeup?

I am fair skinned and blonde and unlike our beautiful @islandgrrl with her natural Olive complexion I have to wear some color so I'm not completely washed out. Lucky girl! I used to be seven days a week with everything on my face, but most days now I don't wear any foundation unless it's for a date. Must wear mascara and blush and lip stain.


My sister was visiting a couple years ago and we got up early, I was bare faced sharing a cup of coffee. She commented, "I don't think I've ever seen you without makeup. I can't believe how much you look like mom! Never seen that before!" I do enjoy makeup, and put the minimal on every day after a shower in case somebody decides to just drop by or I find a need to run out for something. Many days, I will sit in my infrared sauna first thing so I can sweat like a mad woman and bring some color to my face. I think it's the best thing I do for my skin to keep it hydrated and fresh and the wrinkles at bay.

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