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How long did your Clarisonic last?

Mine lasted 2 years (the larger size) Had to toss it this weekend, wouldn't hold a charge anymore.  Gotta wait till they have a special on it before I replace it. Might just go with a Mia this time.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

I had the big one originally, had the timer, blah blah blah...big deal.  I have 2 Mia's now, I like them better, smaller to handle, much more affordable as well,  they do the exact same thing!  I see there is a "new" model coming out.  I am so not interested, I am going to use my Mia's until they croak!!  Been using Clarisonic since it was introduced on QVC, use and love it, every day!

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

I’m still using the original one. So far so good.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

My Mia died 2 weeks shy of a year, I returned it to the Q and they credited my account for the original sale price because they didn't have that model in stock. I did buy another, this is my third Clarisonic, the first one last 2 years.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

Mia 2 - use it everyday, charge it about every 6 to 8 weeks. Have it 2 and a half years, going strong.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

[ Edited ]

My Mia has been going way longer than 5 years.  I can't even remember when I bought it. I only use it once a day though so maybe that's why it's still running. Now that I think about it, it's at least 10 years old.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

I still use the original large one. Its still working fine. Must be at least 8-10 years.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

I'm not at all sure, but let's just say a very long time because I bought my first one the first time they offered one that has both a face and a body brush and that one still charges even though I leave it every year for about 6 months with no attention.


I've also had a Mia for about 10 years.  It's here in my tiny summer apartment and also keeps right on trucking even though it, too, goes for many months at a time with no attention.


When one of mine gives out, I plan to replace it with another Mia.  I like how the Clarisonic works, but I haven't used the body brush enough so that I'm willing to pay for another.

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

I've had two. The first one lasted about 3 years and then when I moved, I boxed it up and forgot about it for a year. When I finally remembered it, it wouldn't hold a charge again - I think being uncharged for a year killed it. I replaced it with a Mia 2 that's now about 2 years old. 

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Re: How long did your Clarisonic last?

I have the original one and its still going strong after at least 8 years!