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Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser

You ladies are very knowledgeable about beauty products, and I think I need your help ASAP.  I was down to the last few drops of my Purity Made Simple which I've used for years, but I thought I'd try something new...something "natural" for a change.  I tried the Andalou Naturaals Citrus Kombucha Cleansing Gel (blue bottle).  It got rave reviews online (I don't think The Q sells it, though).  I used it Friday and Saturday with no problem.  I woke up this morning and areas of my face (cheeks and chin areas) felt rough.  When I looked in the mirror, it looked as if every single pore on my cheeks and chin has white pus (impurities?) coming out.  Every.  Single.  Pore.  My skin feels kind of dry and is a little red.  Naturally, yeah, I stopped using it and just went back to my Purity.


I don't think I'm allergic...I mean, is it normal to have something detox pores like this???  Is that what's happening??  Is this new, natural cleanser really getting rid of junk in my pores???  (I had a professional facial two weeks ago and recently exfoliated with a professional line mild exfolidator.)  I have an important meeting to got to tomorrow and am afraid of what I'm going to look like in the morning.


Has anyone ever had a reaction to any product this way?  I absolutely will not continue using this product, but is it detoxing or what???  I put a thin layer of hydrocortisone on half my face as a test to see if it will help or hinder.


Any help is appreciated.  Thanks so much.

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Re: Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser

I have never had problems with Andalou products.    But I do NOT have sensitive skin.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser

@BarbiHollywood- I am certainly no expert but it doesn't sound normal to me to have white pus coming out of every pore on your chin and cheeks. Plus the redness doesn't sound like detox to me. It might not be a true allergic reaction but to me it sounds like something in the formula is irritating your skin.


I haven't used Andalou Naturals cleanser but I've used their SPF moisturizer every day for a couple of years now and I have a nighttime moisturizer from that line.  I use Avalon Organics Vit C cleansing milk every morning for a year or more and I've never had any type of a reaction like that. Sorry that this happened to you. 

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Re: Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser

@rnmom wrote:

@BarbiHollywood- I am certainly no expert but it doesn't sound normal to me to have white pus coming out of every pore on your chin and cheeks. Plus the redness doesn't sound like detox to me. It might not be a true allergic reaction but to me it sounds like something in the formula is irritating your skin.


I haven't used Andalou Naturals cleanser but I've used their SPF moisturizer every day for a couple of years now and I have a nighttime moisturizer from that line.  I use Avalon Organics Vit C cleansing milk every morning for a year or more and I've never had any type of a reaction like that. Sorry that this happened to you. 

Thanks for the fast reply, I'm so happy you replied.


I never thought I had sensitve skin but apparently I do to do some degree.  I've been reading A LOT about what appears to be happening to me, and the word "purge" keeps coming up.  I've already stopped using this product and have gone back to my Purity Made Simple.  I've read reviews for the Andalou product line, and everyone only has positive things to say so I guess I'm the anomaly.  All the things I've read about purging say you should continue, but I'm not going to do that.  At 54 years old, the last thing I want to do is ruin my skin.  I hope whatever this is that's going on with my skin goes away fast.


I knew someone would be replying to my panicked post so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!  

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Re: Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser


Hi i have sensitive acne prone skin and use the Andalou sensitive roses line and coconut water line with no problems but I am always careful with any products for blemish skin sometimes they contain teetree oil or citrus which can cause problems or anything saying detox they can be strong and over exfoliating Feel better 

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Re: Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser

Your reaction sounds awful and I would certainly say that is not "detoxing."  It is good that you stopped using it. Use some gentle and healing on your skin. 


I have had reaction to products before, but never like that. 


My skin also gets a bit angry when I do too much with. For ex. if I exfoliate and then put another exfoliating type product on without thinking, it is not too happy.  But nothing that comes out of my pores and such. It just feels raw.


I hope it clears quickly.



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Registered: ‎11-09-2011

Re: Question about Andalou Facial Cleanser

@marmarbrooklyn wrote:


Hi i have sensitive acne prone skin and use the Andalou sensitive roses line and coconut water line with no problems but I am always careful with any products for blemish skin sometimes they contain teetree oil or citrus which can cause problems or anything saying detox they can be strong and over exfoliating Feel better 

Hi @marmarbrooklyn  Thanks for your reply.  The particular product I bought does contain citrus - what a dummy I am - I should have done a patch-test or something.  Lesson learned.  I guess I'll just have to stick with my Purity Made Simple, didn't have any issues with that, have no idea why in the world I ventured off into unknown territory!!  Thanks again.  :-)