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Re: How do you apply foundation??

My fingers. I have used sponges & brushes but I always go back to my fingers. It seems to me that you end up using less product when using your fingers.

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Re: How do you apply foundation??

On 2/24/2014 KatCat1 said:

My fingers. I have used sponges & brushes but I always go back to my fingers. It seems to me that you end up using less product when using your fingers.

ITA, I haven't had any better luck with tools on initial application than my own fingers. I do like to push the product in with a Bobbi Brown round sponge for the no make-up look.
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Re: How do you apply foundation??

Sephora foundation brush
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Re: How do you apply foundation??

I use a liquid foundation brush or a fluffy brush (for powders).

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Re: How do you apply foundation??

i put my foundation on my enkor cufflette palette and then apply it with either my fingers or a brush. my fingers never come in contact with any of my makeup. i then immediately sterilize my brush with sanitize my makeup wipes.

here's a photo of the mixing palette that i use. it's one of the best investments i've made and it's really inexpensive.

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Re: How do you apply foundation??


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Re: How do you apply foundation??

If I needed foundation, fingers would be my least favorite way to apply. It is the least in even application. I only use a finishing powder, though, and the puff it came with is ideal for touch up in the center of my face to tone down any shine.

Cosmetic sponges and brushes, though, are the best artist tools. Just wouldn't want anyone's unhygienic fingers touching my face.

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Re: How do you apply foundation??

For concealer and liquid foundation I use a sponge and for powder I use a kabuki brush.
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Re: How do you apply foundation??

I use a sponge but sometimes will go over areas with a brush. I use Estee Lauder and they reccomend useing a brush but it seemed to take forever to apply.

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Re: How do you apply foundation??

I wear CC crème & use my clean fingertips. I have a fancy sponge & good foundation brushes but prefer my fingers.