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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

My mother had 3 children. I do not have any. My mother NEVER wore jeans. My mother never smoked but I did and finally quit. The one thing we did share was being compassionate & loving people. Happy Mother's Day.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

I miss her and I have modeled my life after hers. She taught me to PAY IT FORWARD and be grateful for what I had. Hopefully I am just like her.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?


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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

I did not marry. I did not have children. I have worked my whole life. I learned the better things in life on my own. I have never had a connection to family - I always felt a ""separateness"" there. She said I was different. She was right.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

As a child of the depression, my 87 year old mother is extremely frugal. Me...not at all. There's more but I have to think about it.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

My Mother was the baby of the family, and has spent her entire life being a people pleaser and a fixer. I am the oldest, and did not inherit the desire to follow in my Mother's footsteps with that trait. I am kind, compassionate, and helpful, but I expect everyone to take responsibility for themselves, and am not an enabler. I am far more independent than my Mother, and do not simply "go with the flow". I treat myself well, and take better care of myself than my Mother. My Mother has smoked her entire life, and I have never, ever had the desire to smoke, or drink alcohol. When it comes to medical issues, my Mother goes along with whatever the doctor says, whereas I research things and take a stronger stance towards patient advocacy.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

I am so different than my mother in every way.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

My mom is very beautiful and looks and acts youthful.

We have sometimes been mistaken for sisters, which is amusing to me, because she has dark hair and olive skin tone, and I have light hair, blue eyes, and light skin tone.

We are very much alike, and most of the time that's great Smiley Happy

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

I could never hope to be as good a person as my mother was, although I try. I've already posted, but I just thought of something my son said to me one day-he said, "Mom, you're just like Grandmom!" It brought me to tears, to even imagine that I could be, but he thinks so...and I'm ever so grateful for that.{#emotions_dlg.tt1}

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

In EVERY way imaginable, Thank God!!!