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How are you diferent than your Mother?

With Mother's Day this weekend, I thought this would be a fun thread, hope you agree. As far as beauty goes, what do you do diferent ? I workout regularly, don't eat processed food, Eat and love tons of veggies. I wear makeup , dye my hair. Wear jeans , sizes smaller than HS. I keep my wardrobe updated . I'm over fifty and defying my age everyday! How about you?
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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

I assume that you are saying that your Mother doesn't wear jeans or that they are not sizes smaller than what she wore in HS?

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

My mom was a better person than almost any woman I ever met or knew. I miss her dearly. People I run into, tell me they miss her too. I'm different in that I think she was a better person than me. OP I only read your question.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

My mom doesn't think before she speaks. I do. She is a very nice person, but sometimes doesn't come across that way. Some thoughts should remain thoughts. She is bluntly honest.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

There are two old sayings - "I'm not getting older, I'm getting better" and "I'm fighting it all the way!"

My Mom, who passed away 27 years ago at age 67, looked ten years younger than most of her friends/colleagues, and she never did anything but clean her face with either Pond's Cold Cream or soap and water. I don't even know if she used a moisturizer. She didn't wear makeup, she was very petite and pretty, and with very dark brown hair, didn't even need to color it until she was in her late 50's. Thankfully, I inherited her skin!

I'm not petite! I guess I'm average, but with a few extra pounds. I don't use anything fancy for cleansing, although I do have Rosacea so use products for sensitive skin, I do always wear makeup when I go out, I started having to color my hair in my 40's (but it's natural white/gray now), and I'm much more fashion conscious. She always dressed nicely, but she never wore a pair of jeans, and I wear them all the time. She grew up in the country, and when I was young, we ate "country food" which was not so healthy, but it was delicious! I do eat a lot healthier, but that's only because we've learned so much about healthy eating now and I have risk factors for heart disease, etc.

I'd give almost anything to be able to spend one more Mother's Day with her!{#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

My mother was a typical 50's housewife. Never worked until we were almost grown. She stayed home and had babies and took care of me and sisters and my Dad and the house. She thinks the 50's were the best decade ever. I've worked since high school (with the exception of being unemployed for a while due to being laid off) and never had any kids. My Mom's the sweetest woman alive

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

You sound just like my mother, she is awesome. She looks and acts like she is in her late 60's. She is 81. Even her doctors are amazed. I do color my hair and try to dress nice, but my diet is not that great. I have many restrictions due to stomach issues. I am so grateful that she is healthy, I lost my father when he was just 69 due to Alzheimers Disease. She even has a boyfriend/companion now for 7 years.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

On 5/9/2014 qualitygal said:

My mom was a better person than almost any woman I ever met or knew. I miss her dearly. People I run into, tell me they miss her too. I'm different in that I think she was a better person than me. OP I only read your question.

Awwww. Bless you. I feel the same way about my mom. She was my biggest cheerleader. She taught me it truly is about who you are as a human being. Not what you look like, even tho I have always put much more of an effort into looking good than she ever did. She was a rabid Clinique lady. Rarely missed bonus time! Makes me smile thinking about it.

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

Just in mom is a petite Italian brunette with blue eyes and at 91 is as sharp as a 20 year smart and never got to finish school because she was sent to work to support the family at 13. I am a tall, blue eyed blonde with many degrees who can only hope to be as intelligent as my mom!

We both are readers and up to date on today's music and pop culture, holistic healing and nutrition, although she does a better job than I at most everything. I have never felt better than she, and she has never competed with me.

I do wish she drove though...{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: How are you diferent than your Mother?

When I think of "beauty" and "mother", I think of how sweet, loving, caring, forgiving, and gracious her inner beauty and her spirit was. I only hope I come close to that as I age.