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@just bee wrote:

I'm thinking of going live with The Bee Hive...



@just bee 


I'm ready to jive...👍


Are you going to leave directions to the new hive here?

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Posts: 35,340
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@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

I'm thinking of going live with The Bee Hive...



@just bee 


I'm ready to jive...👍


Are you going to leave directions to the new hive here?



I finished up a few things today so I figured I'd just go ahead and create a home for our little colony. 🐝


Swarm on over to Among Friends and check out The Bee Hive!

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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@just bee wrote:

So we already know what kinds of things we can't talk about... so what kinds of things do we want to talk about in the hive?

Hello, @just bee and all. Not sure you remember me. I just happened to stumble across this, and I really like your ideas. Seasonal Beehive? Great! There are so many things we could talk about that aren't complaints. How we are creating our own lives. What makes us better. What increases our satisfaction and contentment. What makes us joyful. How we can take better care of ourselves and others. And sad or hard things, too, can be shared for mutual support. 

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Posts: 1,053
Registered: ‎11-25-2010

@aprilskies wrote:

@Oshare-girl wrote:
I’ve been buying up a storm...interesting that it’s been repurchases if things I’ve used up in the past. Sheer glosssticks were half off so I bought all 4! CC cream in a matte version (I originally used the regular version but had irritation from it) was BOGO. Got 2 shades to mix. I don’t feel like myself right now.

I also used up & decluttered a bunch of things that I post on the use it up thread. Skincare is almost down to the basics. There’s a vitamin C powder I want to finish and then I won’t be using a separate Vit C product.

A certain VIP sale is coming up soon. I’m going to do my usual stock up at that time. But I’m not sure that I will be shopping much from there in the future. I went in-person to get a gift for DD’s bday. I was escorted around the store. The sales person asked me what I was interested in and walked me to each product. I asked to see shades. It was put on plexiglass and held up near my face. Weirdest experience ever. I understand that they are concerned about customers touching products but that was pretty extreme. So glad there is free shipping options. Oh they also told me that if I want to try anything out, juts buy it and return it if it doesn’t work. I really don’t want to waste product like that. So maybe this explains my new thing of repurchasing oldies & goodies. In multiples. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


@Oshare-girl, now is the time to buy if there ever was one. So many beauty sales from what I hear on these boards. It is good to get some replacements for a good price. Love a deal.  I am going to scout some out because I will need some skincare coming up and it would be great to get a deal if I can.  I am not as immersed in the beauty world these days so I have been missing a lot of them. 


Happy Bday to your DD.   

@aprilskies Thank you for the bday wishes! And nice to hear from you. There are a ton of sales going on. The brands are having their own sales before the big S-VIP sale happens. If I lose my status, I know I can buy from the individual brands next year. I think you will be able to restock your skincare on a budget right now. 


On the beauty side of things, I've been favoring less pigment. I used to be all about the pigmentation, but now I want things as sheer as possible. Just enough color to brighten up a notch. I notice with my existing products, everything is so pigmented, I try to use a light hand but it ends up way more glam than I want. So I picked up some deeply discounted Shiseido palettes that provide the look I'm going for. Sheer, slight shimmer and I can build up with my existing palettes when I feel like more. Even with lips (I still wear lip product under my masks for hydration), I layer a tinted balm under my full color lipsticks to sheer them out. Finally I saw a video where a sponge was dampened with a facial spray and then used to blend out concealer which gives a slightly sheered out coverage. It all gives me a fresher look. With growing out my gray hair, I needed to change up my makeup to give me a slightly youthful look. 

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Posts: 1,053
Registered: ‎11-25-2010

@just bee wrote:

@Oshare-girl wrote:
I’ve been buying up a storm...interesting that it’s been repurchases if things I’ve used up in the past. Sheer glosssticks were half off so I bought all 4! CC cream in a matte version (I originally used the regular version but had irritation from it) was BOGO. Got 2 shades to mix. I don’t feel like myself right now.

I also used up & decluttered a bunch of things that I post on the use it up thread. Skincare is almost down to the basics. There’s a vitamin C powder I want to finish and then I won’t be using a separate Vit C product.

A certain VIP sale is coming up soon. I’m going to do my usual stock up at that time. But I’m not sure that I will be shopping much from there in the future. I went in-person to get a gift for DD’s bday. I was escorted around the store. The sales person asked me what I was interested in and walked me to each product. I asked to see shades. It was put on plexiglass and held up near my face. Weirdest experience ever. I understand that they are concerned about customers touching products but that was pretty extreme. So glad there is free shipping options. Oh they also told me that if I want to try anything out, juts buy it and return it if it doesn’t work. I really don’t want to waste product like that. So maybe this explains my new thing of repurchasing oldies & goodies. In multiples. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️



That's why I'm not looking forward to my eye appointment.  How do you search for a new frame?  I mean, I usually try on just about every frame in the place.  I can't expect an associate to have that much time or patience if she will be the one pulling frames off the wall, wiping them down and replacing them.


I'm going to end up with a frame I dislike. Woman Sad


As for makeup and skincare, it really helps to... ComPact.  I've found products that work and I'm sticking with them as long as I can.  Sure, there are new ones throwing themselves in front of me all the time, but I'm not interested.  I feel married to Lumene moisturizer and CC cream and to Maybelline mascara.  Been using these for years.


Oldies but goodies. Heart

@just bee Buying new frames sounds like mission impossible! So much touching and cleaning, eek. Have you considered those online glasses companies that send you several pairs to try on and you keep the ones you like? I wondered how good those really are at finding a match.


Gotta love the oldies but goodies. I am trying to make myself an oldie but goodie, heehee. A little oldie with a few newbies with a mature style.

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Re: Hi justbee!

[ Edited ]

@just bee wrote:

@Oshare-girl wrote:
I got poofed but in it I said I will be there. Just say when & where. And I like seasonal too.





Hide your face in shame! Heart

@just bee @geezerette Yes, so much shame. I've always been a good girl. This feels so wrong.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,053
Registered: ‎11-25-2010

@geezerette wrote:

@Oshare-girl wrote:
I got poofed but in it I said I will be there. Just say when & where. And I like seasonal too.



Join the rest of us in the corner who have been duly warned and chastised!  I'm just glad we all didn't get banned.


But I'll take what I can get.  I don't want to lose contact with you guys!❤️

Turning over a new leaf...🍁

@geezerette I don't want to lose contact either!

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Posts: 1,053
Registered: ‎11-25-2010

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@Oshare-girl wrote:
I’ve been buying up a storm...interesting that it’s been repurchases if things I’ve used up in the past. Sheer glosssticks were half off so I bought all 4! CC cream in a matte version (I originally used the regular version but had irritation from it) was BOGO. Got 2 shades to mix. I don’t feel like myself right now.

I also used up & decluttered a bunch of things that I post on the use it up thread. Skincare is almost down to the basics. There’s a vitamin C powder I want to finish and then I won’t be using a separate Vit C product.

A certain VIP sale is coming up soon. I’m going to do my usual stock up at that time. But I’m not sure that I will be shopping much from there in the future. I went in-person to get a gift for DD’s bday. I was escorted around the store. The sales person asked me what I was interested in and walked me to each product. I asked to see shades. It was put on plexiglass and held up near my face. Weirdest experience ever. I understand that they are concerned about customers touching products but that was pretty extreme. So glad there is free shipping options. Oh they also told me that if I want to try anything out, juts buy it and return it if it doesn’t work. I really don’t want to waste product like that. So maybe this explains my new thing of repurchasing oldies & goodies. In multiples. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️



That's why I'm not looking forward to my eye appointment.  How do you search for a new frame?  I mean, I usually try on just about every frame in the place.  I can't expect an associate to have that much time or patience if she will be the one pulling frames off the wall, wiping them down and replacing them.


I'm going to end up with a frame I dislike. Woman Sad


As for makeup and skincare, it really helps to... ComPact.  I've found products that work and I'm sticking with them as long as I can.  Sure, there are new ones throwing themselves in front of me all the time, but I'm not interested.  I feel married to Lumene moisturizer and CC cream and to Maybelline mascara.  Been using these for years.


Oldies but goodies. Heart

@just bee 


That's what I've done too. I finally found a few basic products that I like and I'm sticking with.  Of course, I'm sure that means they'll change the ingredients or discontinue the products entirely! 

Things have indeed changed.  And who knows for how long.  Or how many will change back later, or be changed (or just gone) forever.  Some of this stuff was coming and just got a nudge, but a lot of it is really different and difficult to adapt to. 

@Oshare-girl Happy Birthday to your DD!🎂  I hope you found something suitable on your shopping expedition, despite your weirdest experience ever.  🙃



@geezerette Thank you for the bday wishes. I'm starting to create her college stash so I found a blow dryer brush for her gift. She's going to need to start drying her hair before she goes to bed when she's on the mainland. It gets cold over in y'alls neck of the woods, not like here. I'm getting more and more sentimental as the year goes on. Everything is a last something for her now that she's in her senior year. How time flies.


She uses my nail polish and commented on how the color was suited to our skintones. That made me feel so good. That my purchases have been intentional. As favorite products have gotten discontinued, I have a better idea of how to pick a replacement. So bring it on, cosmetic companies. I can handle the change without going broke.

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Posts: 4,149
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@aprilskies wrote:

@rnmom, you had asked about how HEP was going for me and I did respond on the thread that wasnt long for this world. 


My HEP is going so so. I was on a roll there for a while and then I thought I gained it all back but it only seems like I gained back maybe 2 so I am still down like 5 lbs. I will take it. I am just playing it day by day.  


I am trying to walk where I can when I can. Besides the weight, I am totally out of shape and I have known this for a long time so I want to get myself stronger. I cant even clean the bathroom without taking a break due to my back.  


But for now, I will do what I can on a day to day basis.  And truth be told, I was happier without the scale. I always just judged things by my clothes.  But for now I need the scale to keep me straight since my  mind plays tricks on me. 

@aprilskies - Thanks for answering! Hey, 5lbs is 5lbs, better to be down 5 than up 5. 


I had to make it a point to weigh myself every week to keep myself honest. If I don't, it's way too easy for me to pretend that I'm doing just fine, when in reality, I'm not. I swear I didn't weigh myself for a year and that's how I ended up at my highest weight ever. Even though I knew my clothes were super tight and I felt lousy, seeing that number on the scale was like a slap in the face and got my butt in gear. I still want to keep in the habit of weighing myself every week because I really want to avoid gaining it all back again if I can. 


I can SO relate to being totally out of shape. I was in horrible shape at the beginning of the year, I wasn't even sure if I could walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes and my knee was bothering me a lot. 


Now I can walk easily, my knee doesn't hurt, and I can even go for 30 minutes on our elliptical. I couldn't go more than 2-3 minutes on that thing when I first started. I am not in great shape by any stretch, but much better than I was. Hang in there, it does get easier!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,273
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@Oshare-girl wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@Oshare-girl wrote:
I’ve been buying up a storm...interesting that it’s been repurchases if things I’ve used up in the past. Sheer glosssticks were half off so I bought all 4! CC cream in a matte version (I originally used the regular version but had irritation from it) was BOGO. Got 2 shades to mix. I don’t feel like myself right now.

I also used up & decluttered a bunch of things that I post on the use it up thread. Skincare is almost down to the basics. There’s a vitamin C powder I want to finish and then I won’t be using a separate Vit C product.

A certain VIP sale is coming up soon. I’m going to do my usual stock up at that time. But I’m not sure that I will be shopping much from there in the future. I went in-person to get a gift for DD’s bday. I was escorted around the store. The sales person asked me what I was interested in and walked me to each product. I asked to see shades. It was put on plexiglass and held up near my face. Weirdest experience ever. I understand that they are concerned about customers touching products but that was pretty extreme. So glad there is free shipping options. Oh they also told me that if I want to try anything out, juts buy it and return it if it doesn’t work. I really don’t want to waste product like that. So maybe this explains my new thing of repurchasing oldies & goodies. In multiples. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️



That's why I'm not looking forward to my eye appointment.  How do you search for a new frame?  I mean, I usually try on just about every frame in the place.  I can't expect an associate to have that much time or patience if she will be the one pulling frames off the wall, wiping them down and replacing them.


I'm going to end up with a frame I dislike. Woman Sad


As for makeup and skincare, it really helps to... ComPact.  I've found products that work and I'm sticking with them as long as I can.  Sure, there are new ones throwing themselves in front of me all the time, but I'm not interested.  I feel married to Lumene moisturizer and CC cream and to Maybelline mascara.  Been using these for years.


Oldies but goodies. Heart

@just bee 


That's what I've done too. I finally found a few basic products that I like and I'm sticking with.  Of course, I'm sure that means they'll change the ingredients or discontinue the products entirely! 

Things have indeed changed.  And who knows for how long.  Or how many will change back later, or be changed (or just gone) forever.  Some of this stuff was coming and just got a nudge, but a lot of it is really different and difficult to adapt to. 

@Oshare-girl Happy Birthday to your DD!🎂  I hope you found something suitable on your shopping expedition, despite your weirdest experience ever.  🙃



@geezerette Thank you for the bday wishes. I'm starting to create her college stash so I found a blow dryer brush for her gift. She's going to need to start drying her hair before she goes to bed when she's on the mainland. It gets cold over in y'alls neck of the woods, not like here. I'm getting more and more sentimental as the year goes on. Everything is a last something for her now that she's in her senior year. How time flies.


She uses my nail polish and commented on how the color was suited to our skintones. That made me feel so good. That my purchases have been intentional. As favorite products have gotten discontinued, I have a better idea of how to pick a replacement. So bring it on, cosmetic companies. I can handle the change without going broke.



Aw.❤️  Bittersweet, I'm sure.  We work so hard to make our kids individuals and independent, but then when they get there, well...😢


But it sounds like your DD is doing great and Mom (and Dad 😉) have reason to be proud of her.  She didn't get that way on her own.


And that's the right attitude to have!  Bring it on, cosmetic companies! 💪


Now, if you could send some of that strength and determination my way...