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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

I've lost 80, and all the women in my family have short necks and massive wattles, but I'd rather have my chins flop to my waist than be dragging around the 80+ pounds of "sad fat". Wanted to add, I'd also rather spend money on clothing than on a procedure that probably wouldn't do much to improve my appearance anyway. Hope that all of you who choose surgery or other medical procedures are thrilled with your results!
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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

I don't think there is much you can do about this when you lose a lot of weight. The skin has been stretched. You could consult with a surgeon to see what he will charge you to remove it, maybe he will give you a break if you honestly discuss that this is going to be a financial hardship but it is also a self confidence issue.

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

OOOO - that dreaded turkey neck!! Not much you can do other than surgery which is not an option for me. Incidentally, it's not the only thing that has stretched and sagged. Amazing that there was a time when the girls stood high and proud with no real need for support - now they just lay flat and sad!!

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

Forgot to say I'm 48. I do have flab all over my body but I can hide that. I am going to look into the temp Bands that you put on behind your neck.
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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

I have always hated turkey necks, and I have developed one, unfortunately I haven't lost weight! I remember Dr. Denese being on the Q a couple of years ago, and she will selling her neck cream or firming cream or something like that, a caller asked if it would get rid of a turkey neck and she was honest and said ........... the only thing that gets rid of that is surgery!

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

Not sure what the plastic surgeon can do on a neck. But I am thinking either knife or turtleneck. Nothing else really is going to do much and just drive you nuts in the process.

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

Save your money. Stop buying junk products that cannot help your situation. A surgical solution is your only option. If your neck really bothers you and if your weight has stablized and if you don't intend to lose more weight, see a cosmetic surgeon for consult and estimate. I was in my 30's when I lost over 150 lbs, my neck was fine but my upper arms were and still are a problem for me. I haven't had the surgery (brachioplasty it's called) because it's expensive and 3 plastic surgeons told me that most women are not happy with the results because the surgery leaves a noticeable scar, you just replace the arm flab for a long scar. A turkey neck is so much easier to get rid of.

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

I worked for years with a general surgeon who (among many other things) performed weight loss surgery and I saw these problems frequently. Unfortunately, loose skin and wrinkles are pretty much unavoidable results of very significant weight loss, especially for women of mature years. Skin has only so much elasticity (less and less with age), and if you lose a drastic amount of weight, you're often left with skin that is several sizes too large for the body under it........and it won't "snap back". You can do what you can to firm up the muscles under the skin, but that won't solve the problem. If there's a significant amount of sagging, excess skin, plastic surgery is really the only possible solution. Or learn to dress to minimize the appearance, and live with it.

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

On 11/26/2014 LisaB said:

Not sure what the plastic surgeon can do on a neck. But I am thinking either knife or turtleneck. Nothing else really is going to do much and just drive you nuts in the process.

You are kidding right...???? I think most of their income is derived from neck surgeries. Do you think all those older women on tv were just lucky or some magic neck creme gave them those tight, firm necks and jaw lines???

<h2>Neck Lift</h2>

A necklift may be considered a partial facelift where attention is focused on rejuvenation of the aging neck. Therefore, Dr. Fechner uses a significantly shorter incision which is hidden in the back of the ear. Commonly, Dr. Fechner will also perform a platysmaplasty (see below) and thorough fat removal from the neck region by means tedious sculpting by hand in addition to gentle neck liposuction. Because the neck lift procedure focuses on the neck only, Dr. Fechner’s neck lift patients commonly return sooner to their professional and social activities.

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Re: Help! Lost 60 lbs and now have TURKEY NECK

Congratulations on your weight loss. Short of surgery, there is nothing you can do. You can wear turtleneck tops and see if that hides it. Be happy about your accomplishment and let the skin fall where it may. You are healthier and that is important.

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