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Ok, so you all know how it has been stylish for the past several years, for women to wear blonde hair with shades of dark color roots?

Well, I was just wondering if the trend could become popular to have our blonde hair with grey roots..

I have a whole bunch of friends who would love that to be fashionable..come onSmiley Tongue

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I don't know, I never got the purposeful dark roots with light hair, men don't get that either. As far as grey roots with light hair It's kind of the same thing, like hey, you need your roots done. I love to see a natural head of light hair, no matter what shade it is. My niece is a natural blue eyed blond, she is so classy looking. I wonder what she's going to do when she starts to grey though, it'll be interesting.

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I don't think dark hair with gray roots is attractive at all.  Either get the roots touched up or let it grow out and have it entirely gray.  'In betweens' just look bad imo.

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I think gray roots look awful in any color hair.  Isn't the idea to have people think you don't have gray hair?  So why would you display the roots?  Better to just go all gray if touching up the roots is such a burden.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Oh dear! No way! in my opinion, if you're going to go grey, own it and go grey all the way. My hair is dark and I have my hair colored every four weeks . 

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@likeitis   Take a look at Rich Roll's wife.  She has grey hair naturally, but it has heavy blonde highlighting though out.  It is very long.  It looks very natural.  I love it, but I don't know how someone would achieve this look without salon assistance.  

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Registered: ‎11-08-2019 guys know I was being facetious, right? In asking the original question about grey roots?

I will have to check on that woman’s hair though..ty..don’t know who she or he is, but I will look.

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I have a friend who has pure white hair and she doesn't like it. So she puts some kind of temporary hair coloring mousse on it in a blonde-ish tint. Either way I think her hair looks roots and just a hint of blonde from that mousse.

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your friends ‘ hair sounds very pretty. Nice not having to deal with roots.

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It is the weirdest thing. I have been coloring my hair darks shades of brown/dk brown/red for years. 

3 months ago I went in & told my stylist that I was done. She heavily highlighted my hair to all over ashy blonde to try to get close to the color of my grey. I have had it redone once more since. 

I now have "blonde" hair with dark roots, where I have been dealing with dark hair with grey roots for years.

It is a big change.