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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

I am probably 90% gray but my stylist colors blonde for years. I am thinking on going gray but I asked could we just color platinum and the highlight and my stylist said the if he added all platinum would burn my scalp and he would just foil platinum heavy for several years and in about 3-4 years maybe I would look ok as I am not going to look good with the gray growing off and I know many women are doing this and I think it’s great for them but my hair grows so slow. I have one length now and it took my bangs 5 years to grow out.  I know my stylist knows what he is doing but has anyone had their hair done like what my stylist wants to do? 

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In



I grew mine out a few years ago. I bit the bullet and got it cut really short so I never really went through the process gradually.


There is a Facebook group called Gray And Proud that has every possible tip and process imaginable for going gray. And its a great support group, too.

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

[ Edited ]

Call around to a few hair salons and tell them your mom wants to stop coloring her gray hair.  Take her in for a consult and see what they think and if you agree.  Don't try to do anything on your own, or at least I wouldn't. 


I have baby fine hair and my hair is not silver it is white so I have it professionally colored every four weeks.  I would let it grow out and  but I am afraid my scalp would show.  I wear mine short as well.  I have a light to light medium complexion and dark brown eyes.

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

@ladygirl  I let my gray grow in several years ago.  I had it cut in very short layers and before I knew it I was salt & pepper and never looked back.  My hair grows fast so I was not worried about that.  If your mom can;t stand the really short layers, then wear a wig until it grows in.  I receive many compliments on my color of hair which surprised me but gray is now the big fashion in hair,  I still have dark brn hair under my gray.  I use a special shampoo that takes out yellow casts 2 to 3 times a week; one is Aveda Blue Malva and the other is Shikai.  I do NOT miss coloring my hair.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

@KentuckyWoman  You mentioned that your hair is white and I'm wondering....does grey hair eventually turn white or does your hair grow in as we age either grey or white?  This might be my misconception but white hair I would think would be more of a challenge to grow out than grey.  

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

When I decided to stop, I just bit the bullet and put up with the ugly two tone ever growing stripe.


I keep my hair short, so it only took about 8 months until it was gone.

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

I like to wear a hat when my hair does not look good. A hat also provides sun protection.

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

I will recommend both the book and website,”Going Gray and Looking Great”. Lots of tips. I gad my stylist cut my hair like Jamie Lee Curtis, almost buzzed in back. Lowlights on top ( my hair also was dark brown). It did not take long for a pretty salt & pepper look to emerge. Your Mom will want to tweak her makeup and especially colors she wears on top. Best of luck to her.

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

I will have my gray colored till the day the Lord calls me home!

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Re: Going Gray/Letting Gray Grow In

I colored my hair blond before going to all gray.  The blond and gray looked so similar that it wasn't very noticable when it grew out.