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On 4/9/2015 shoekitty said:
On 4/9/2015 winamac1 said:
On 4/9/2015 suzyQ3 said:
On 4/8/2015 KateChopin said:

What a humorless nation we have become...

Yes, It's so strange to hear such scorn for parody or spoofs that have always been a popular comedy genre. Sometimes they can be as tough as a Shriner's Roast. Heck, I used to watch Don Rickles on the Tonight Show home in on everyone's faults. It was his whole schtick.

This is nothing new, no groundbreaking going on. And to call this a form of bullying? Wow, that really show how far we've gone in losing the real meaning and danger of that word. It's in the dictionary, so anyone can refresh themselves as to the actual definition.

The man was unstable. Anything might have been the last straw for him; more likely, it was a myriad of factors that just led him to feel that his own pain was too unbearable. It is very sad, but it is also, unfortunately, not uncommon.

I think it was MOST definitely a form of bullying.


I usually agree with your comments. This one, not so much. The man was seriously ill. The very act he committed, and how he did it shows desperation. There was a lot more going on than a skit. There has been mega bullying going on in the media with celebrities the last few years. it is not a pleasant experience, and has to hurt. Think of Adelle, now Kelly Clarkson, Mariah, Liz Taylor, Michael Jackson, and even Monica Lewinsky, the media was ruthless and cruel. There wasn't a late night show, or comedy skit that didn't make fun of these people. I don't agree with it, just as I don't all the so called bullying focused on a few of the Hosts and vendors here on QVC. You would think they committed mass murder the way they are raked over the coals for a bad hair day!

I think Dr Brandt had a lot going on. His manager said the skit was not the cause. I believe that. I also think Dr Brandt wouldn't want people to think he so weak, a skit drove him to end his life. But I am not him


Hi Shoe. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, and I respect that. I think we can agree to disagree on the particulars. I agree he had a lot going on. I agree that he obviously suffered from deep-rooted issues, self esteem issues and insecurities. IMO, the spoof could have pushed him over the edge if his looks were the major part of his esteem issues.

Have a nice day. Smile

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Slightly off topic but Dr. Brandt is featured in ""Allure"" magazine April edition. He talks about skin care. He clearly helped people to feel their best and his death is very sad.
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On 4/9/2015 K9buddy said:
On 4/9/2015 Celticrose said:
On 4/9/2015 suzyQ3 said:
On 4/9/2015 Celticrose said:
On 4/9/2015 Crisso said:

Maybe posters will think twice about ripping apart hosts and vendors here? Same concept, but much worse IMO.

If I cannot watch a certain host, because of their mannerisms, and disingenuous behavior. I am not going to buy from that host. If a company is using selling tactics that I believe are unfair, are exploiting the old, feeble, and those who are home-bound, sick, dying or are otherwise vulnerable, I do not buy from that company. I view that as my opinion, which I have every right to, and company feedback. Now I have bought quite a bit lately; which I regret. I should have been smarter. I just returned five huge bags. $50.00 in shipping. With the exception of a few cosmetics and skin care on auto-delivery, I will be seriously curtailing my purchases here from now on.

As I understand it, these forums are printed off and given to the hosts. They read them at the very least. I think that's a good thing. To conflate that with a skit that portrayed a vulnerable old man as the literal punch line (at one point in the skit Martin Short is punched in the face, and the skin stays dented in) is another matter. As I said above, Dr. Brandt's publicist said he was "devastated". I won't be commenting on host behavior any more---I will be writing directly to the Corporate Office. Problem solved.

I've heard people say that they won't buy from a particular host. I never did understand that logic. But then I mostly shop online at different stores, so the salesperson is a non-entity to me.

You "understand" that these forums are printed off and given to the hosts??? May I ask your source?

I do think it's admirable that you won't bash hosts anymore. I'm sure Corporate will enjoy your calls.

The thought that he might have been devastated by the spoof speaks to his issues more than it does anything else. As others have pointed, celebs of all stripes are often the subject of parody. I'm sure some loved it and some didn't. It doesn't CAUSE an otherwise mentally stable person to commit suicide.

Could it be the last straw? Maybe. But that camel must have been crumbling already.

Why certainly Suze. I read HERE, in this great bastion of knowledge, on a different thread, at least a month ago???? (I can't remember - I'm not here that often - I have a life), that the forum notes are given to the hosts. I can't verify that as truth, and really, I don't care. QVC is barely on my radar. I read the forums for giggles. I very seldom watch; instead, I order online when I am specifically looking for something. Of course Corporate will enjoy my calls. Who wouldn't?

As far as Tina Fey, and Dr. Brandt, we'll have to agree to disagree. I've said all I needed to say, and now you're boring me. Good day.

Celticrose....I couldn't agree more!

Thank you!Cool

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I think that for a person in the throes of depression each event becomes a greater blow- losing his radio show, mocked on a TV show for his appearance, whatever else was happening. The events escalate and just these 2 would be major for anyone without being viewed through the hopelessness of depression. I'm very sad this happened to a kind man who seemed to have helping people as his purpose in life. I think satire is useful when it makes an important point - mocking someone's appearance doesn't qualify in my book.

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On 4/6/2015 suzyQ3 said:

Can someone please explain the strong aversion some have to Tina Fey? I can't fathom what causes it. She's a SNL-type comedian. So? What's the problem?

Is there something political going on here that I'm missing? That's the only thing I can think of. Was it perhaps her uncanny and skilled mimicry

For me, most of the time she just goes too far. Comedians make their living poking fun at others, no big deal. Many times I had to turn off SNL because she got really cruel and mean. That's just my opinion. I doubt her making fun of Dr. Brandt had anything to do with his suicide.

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On 4/10/2015 juliet said:

I think that for a person in the throes of depression each event becomes a greater blow- losing his radio show, mocked on a TV show for his appearance, whatever else was happening. The events escalate and just these 2 would be major for anyone without being viewed through the hopelessness of depression. I'm very sad this happened to a kind man who seemed to have helping people as his purpose in life. I think satire is useful when it makes an important point - mocking someone's appearance doesn't qualify in my book.

Excellent points! ITA

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Such a sweet and personable man, I would listen to him on Saturday's on Sirus Radio.

He will be missed by his listeners.

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There was an interesting article in the NYTimes yesterday titled

'Behind the Death of Dr. Fredric Brandt, Cosmetic Dermatologist to the Stars'

gives some insight on the man he was by some that were close to him, just google

his name Dr Brandt and it is the first article that pops up.

Very sad, he seemed like a well loved man. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

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On 4/9/2015 MarLoCat said:

Eddie Murphy, however, opted against the laughs.

According to Macdonald, he didn’t want to further shame Cosby–public enemy No. 1 on the Internet–who already faces a litany of sexual assault allegations for drugging and raping dozens of women.

“He knew the laughs would bring the house down,” Macdonald said of his decision. “(But) Eddie decides the laughs are not worth it. He will not kick a man when he is down.”

yes! applauding his maturity