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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

I honestly have never had that problem; however, my skin is normal so that could be the reason why.  I first use a moisturizer, then my tinted moisturizer by Laura Mercier and her Secret Concealer, if needed.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

[ Edited ]

@Poodlepet2 I can see why Jojoba would work well for you over your concealer if your have dry undereyes & it drys down without looking oily. It has a waxy texture when dry. It also is not considered your typical oil as its an ester. Good Choice...Glad it work well for you. When it drys, you might consider just applying a tiny bit of silicone primer to set. I am assuming that you don't use a powder to set.


I mix my Argan with eyecream. let set, then use primer, then concealer & again primer. Even tho my undereyes are not dry, I do have a few fine lines, I want to try Jojoba oil which I don't have but will purchase because of the waxy texture. I can see why it would work so well! Thankyou for the Reco! I have recently purchase a Hydrating Setting Powder "BY TERRY" which does not settle into fine lines. I never used a Powder before but that one is Magical!


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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

IMO after a "certain age", if there are lines & wrinkles, it's time to lighten up on the concealer/foundation. 


After my usual serum and moisturizer & eye cream, I use a tinted Moisturizer w/ SPF....all the way under my eyes, too. After that, take a good honest look and see how little concealer you can get get away w/ and feel comfortable. I apply mine w/ a small eyeliner brush to redness around my nose, several brown spots, etc. & pat it in. Then a drop of concealer under eyes patted in lightly w/ a tiny bit more eye cream on top.


Foundations, no matter how light the formulation, no longer sit smoothly on my skin & at 68 have few lines/wrinkles. I think a heavy foundation/concealer (trying to cover everything) at this age can make you look older.


Hint: Be sure you're using some type of exfoliant to get rid of rough areas. For me, it's Vit. C serum for day & Retin A at night. 



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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

@Sunshine Kate wrote:

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

@Tribesters, when I buy any oils, I always buy organic cold pressed oils.  I bought Bella Terra (4 oz) for $8.99.


I need to look up exactly what jojoba is- but somebody mentioned it's actually a wax-and that it's actually synthesized from a blend...Correct me please if I misunderstood: all I can say is that it works.


I am thrilled with the results,


@Phoenixbird, I keep hearing about this Black African soap. I have seen it in bar form, but bars can be messy.  Do they make a liquid form? If they don't, I would still be willing to try it.  


Is is there a specific brand you use?

Thanks, Poodlepet2


@Poodlepet2, I saw Black African soap at my local vitamin store yesterday.  It comes in a bottle like a body wash and is on the thicker side, not liquid.  


My experience though on BA soap has not been good.  It's extremely drying, as in unbelievably drying.  I tossed mine.


Thanks for the rec on Jojoba oil for the face.  

My mother used to be a travel agent for So. Africa, so she has been there quite a few times herself and made many wonderful friends over there (I have been there once.). They use it the Black African Soap for oily and problematic skin over there. It is very drying, even on my very oily skin, but they swear by it for keeping the skin clear and purified of most everything (head to toe).  I had used it (the real stuff) for years (before the rest of the world ever knew what it was and all these companies try to cash in on their own version) but very sparingly. I knew after using it nothing was left behind on my skin. Lol

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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

poodle--I have jojoba that is a carrier oil to mix with other things--is that the same thing?

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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

I watched most of a Wayne Goss vid last night on how to apply concealer without it creasing up. I love Wayne, but it was a ridiculous amount of work and tons of product. This certainly sounds like an improvement.

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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

I exfoliate-I don't think there isn't anything I am not doing.


It figures, at least once a week, somebody laments increasing, and now, nobody here is reporting problems....

 I have darkness, and dryness-and being diabetic doesn't help...years of poor eating habits didn't help-and how can I forget that nasty sunburn I sustained in college that earned me 3 days in la hospital!


@noodleann, II adore Wayne Goss, but I agree with you on this topic. To see this in action, visit Katie and her videos on "Beauty and the Boutique".


PS, come over to Diabetes-we need to liven up the party!


@Kabella, tthank you for your explanation: esters are amazing-and I love finding out how things work. This is off the wall, but I wanted to name our first dog "Furball Ester": DH wouldn't let me... We ended up calling her Epi-short for...epinephrine-and that dog lived up to her name!



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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

@wagirl, perhaps Kabella can give you an answer...but why not? 


I don't have my foundations with me: it's take the weekend off other than skin care, but experiment!


I love jojoba: your skin absorbs it quickly, but the results last unlike many other oils I have tried.


It can't hurt to experiment one iota: I have been so excited over the results under my eyes, I have yet to try my other experiments!


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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

@wagirl Jojoba is a good carrier oil to mix with an essentual oil because it has a long shelf life. It also mimics our own natural sebum & thats why it is one of the few oils that absorbs so quickly. Is that what you mean? I have coctailed different oils in the past but did some reasearch before I applied it to my skin. I only purchase 100% Organic cold pressed oils. It can be used on its own or mixed with another carrier oil The reason why its technically a wax is because it is extracted from the seed of the Jojoba Tree. HTHSmiley Happy

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Re: Cure for concealer and foundation creases!!!!

Thanks Kabella--I have a bottle of jojoba carrier oil as I was using it with other oils for a night time serum. And I have the type you described so I will start using it again. I like the few drops in moisturizers too. I have very dry 62 year old skin so I need alot of moisture year round. Do you have a fav recipe for a night time cocktail for dryness?