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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!



I also have the Metrocream.  I hate both the Metrogel and cream.  One seems too dry and the other seems too moist.  Just when I think I get my skin under control, it veers off into some unknown territory!  I have gone to doctors, and derms and derms.  I can't take a bunch of antibiotics for this condition as I have other medical conditions which do not allow me to do this.  Yesterday I needed to go out for awhile and I dreaded it as my skin was so flaky and I could not apply any makeup.  I just applied moisturizer and gritted my teeth!  Thanks for your kind post! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!



I guess the squalane which is the plant based would be the better route to go??? 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!



I have that cleanser you mentioned and I have used it upon occasion.  I also have some issues with my scalp.  And as you had written, I do not have dandruff.  I have been using baby shampoo which seems to help some.  I'm also using a fragrance free conditioner.  They are not my favorite products as they don't do my hair many favors but what can you do?  I never would have thought to use that cleanser for my hair?  Thanks!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!

This. Available at my co-ops/health food stores, but I think it is also sold at Target:



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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I think it might have something to do with the weather changing for one thing because I go through this ever so often.  I noticed within the last few days that my face has all these little dry flakes all over it!  I have very sensitive skin so can't use retinoids or anything like that.  And I have Rosacea so have redness and broken caps, so skin is very reactive and I have to treat it gently.  I apply moisturizer and then try to apply my bb cream or foundation and it looks terrible as the flakes are still showing!  Yuck!!!


I don't want to try and use a heavy moisturizer as this will break me out, plus, I don't think it would help since it seems that I need to get rid of this layer of what I think must be dead skin????  I don't know????  


I tried using Clnique Seven Day Gentle Scrub and that doesn't seem to be doing much either.


Would some kind of facial mask help???  If so, what kind????  I can't use anything harsh or anything with fragrance!


I'd appreciate any suggestions!  Thank you for the help! 

Hello my dear,


I also have Rosacea, plus Eczema on my face and Seborrheic Dermatitis as well. The Dermatitis can cause flaking. You can have it up around your eyelids and eyebrows and between your eyebrows, too.


I know that all of this can cause misery when trying to find skin care that works.


I also have the seborrhea under my nose and above my lips and sometimes my skin gets really itchy there, I feel like screaming!! Smiley Sad


The best that I can try and tell you is to try and stay with the most gentle products for your face that you can find that are fragrance-free and non-irritating and that are made for sensitive skin, too.


I personally try to stay away from products that also have plant botanicals in them for facial skin care, as they can be irritating to my face when my facial skin is already sensitive. These would be products with lavender or citrus oils in them, for example.


I had a Derm. tell me that it's o.k. to use products made for babies on skin like ours, because those products are made for a baby's sensitive skin and are less likely to be irritating.

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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!

I'm sorry if this isn't relative to the topic, I haven't read all of it.  We had one of the harshest winters this past winter that anyone can remember.  Days of single digit temps and even below zero (in Texas).  I didn't suffer from any skin dryness.  I'm dry but I treat it with an arsenal of products and never have "dry" skin issues.  BUT, I did have a terrible dry eyes and nose due to the freeze and central heating.  We  bought the last cool steam vaporizer WM had and put it in our bedroom.  I think it saved my life! lol  So it may be something those of you who are having issues with dry skin this time of year may consider??

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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!



Thank you!  I will check it out! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!



Thank you for your kind post!  It's very frustrating, right?  I just want to sit and cry a lot of times.  I hope this just passes soon.  I really am at a loss.  I truly don't use anything aggressive or harsh on my skin at all and it just feels like my skin is turning on me!  Woman Frustrated  I don't go for organic or botanicals, etc. as I just don't trust how my skin would react.  Just the thought of things such as lavender, etc. -- while it is a lovely scent --- makes me itch!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!



Oddly enough, this past winter I didn't have any really bad dry skin problems!  But this has just hit full force right now.  I have often had dry, itchy spells right when summer turns into fall and we are required to put the heat on.  But we are still having warm weather and using air conditioning --- so this is something all together different!  I am glad the vaporizer thing worked for you! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Complexion is flaking --- not a good look!

I get dry skin in cold weather. I recommend trying a cleansing oil then follow with your regular cleanser.  And exfoliate weekly but don’t overdo it.  I like the facial buff puff (use very gently) once in a while.