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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@just bee Three cheers for podcasts! I switched from radio to podcasts a couple of years ago and highly recommend it. I can always find things that are informative, well-done, uplifting even, when that's what I'm after. At any given time, I have several dozen sitting there waiting for me to pick them. Yep, lots is sure changing. Takes patience. Sometimes, podcasts help. 

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@geezerette Yes...and of course, as always, there never is just one "right" answer to anything. I guess it would be boring being human otherwise. Though a little peace and orderliness might not be amiss every now and then. 

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@geezerette  Great what you said about your vet. Mine too--has a personality that would stop a clock, but so calm handling her patients.

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@rnmom  It will all be fine. We learned to follow traffic laws, stop at stoplights, that kind of thing. We eventually accepted wearing seat belts. And stopped smoking in public spaces. Masks are kinda like that. Just a thing we can do to be safer in a crowded world. Not a lot to ask, and many who benefit. Just a thought.

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@just bee  Reminds me of that old saying, "Things aren't like the good old days, and they probably never were." 

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

[ Edited ]

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 


M122312 is similar to what I have.  About $20 for the pads and mop handle.  Although the shipping is high at $5.50, so I'd probably wait for free shipping if you're interested.


You can see the top mop pad is nubbier than the others.  That's the one that I don't care for.  It works fine, I just don't use it much.  But the other three blue pads work great.  The white one would be good for just dusting your wood floors or like I use it on the walls.  One of the things I like about these is that unless my floors are filthy, I just use plain water to mop, so no smells. 


I think the only thing I don't like about them is that the pads are held on to the mop head by two strips of Velcro.  As time goes on and the pads wear down those two lines tend to be the areas that end up doing most of the cleaning and I feel like I have to work harder to get some extra dirty spots clean.  Of course, as I said, I've had the same pads and mop for years (like back when the Don Aslett products were really popular and always on), so I probably need to break down and get some new pads!😂


If BH scoffs at your idea, let him mop the floors!😉





Actually, he does most of the mopping. Woman Embarassed


I just thought if I could find something that's usable, I could do more mopping myself.


This is too much floor for one person. Woman LOL

@just bee 

Then what are you--nuts?


Let him deal with the floor situation, especially if he has ideas/opinions about what not to buy!   When you get an opportunity to get out of any kind of work, take it!  😉

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@PAlady wrote:

Good evening ladies, hope all is well with all of you.


Not sure if you picked a word for June - How about "Just June".  I think we all "just" need a break from everything.  


Have a good evening.



Oh, we definitely need a break.  But @geezerette has supplied a wonderful word for June that pretty much sums up the situation.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@Eager2Learn wrote:

@just bee wrote:



WGD is also the the World's Greatest Shedder.  He sheds a whole dog daily.  I've lived with many different breeds but he sheds more than all of them put together.


How his hair manages to travel and get into rooms where he's never been is beyond me.


But, like you, I'd rather have the hair than not have the dog.  Maybe your girl is a Kelpie...






Our boy is black and white so we have black fluff everywhere.  Right now it's mixing with all the cotton that's falling from the cottonwood trees.  It's like fur tumbleweeds.



@just bee Oh my goodness! That pup's expression! Heart


Here's a pic of Cinnamon, taken a couple weeks ago.





How beautiful is that coat?  She looks like a painting. Heart

@just bee Thank you. Funny thing, I've noticed over the past couple months that her coat is getting softer Good food, brushing, cosequin? Shedding? Smiley Happy



All of the above?


Plus one: She's happy.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@Caffeina wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@Eager2Learn wrote:

@geezerette wrote:


Yes, the older I get the more I'm appreciating those "self-cleaning and self-pottying" aspects of cats.  Except for this time of year.  This one is long haired and sheds so much he's constantly having hair balls.  I have to brush him every day.  

And he doesn't have much control over his tail.  The top half droops/flops over.  He has a knot in it about halfway up his tail.  I think he either got stepped on or got it caught in something, but he was like that when he appeared as a kitten, so who knows?  


He's also not the brightest bulb in the box.  But he is loving and fun--usually. 😸

@geezerette Oh yes, I've forgotten about the hairballs. It's a wonder the cats didn't choke on those coming up.


I thought the cats shed a lot until we got the dog. Oh my goodness. I take her out on the back porch 3 times a week now for brushing. And the dirt she tracks in from the yard is another story. I don't think my floors have ever been this dirty. But I wouldn't give her up for the world. Smiley Wink



Oh yes, the dog hair!😳  I thought I was used to dog hair, but I had no idea comprehension of what I was getting with this Rott.  At the end of one day there's enough of her hair on and around her bed to make a nice bird nest.  Every. Single. Day.  Between that and the long clumps of cat hair strewn around, it's like having a hair carpet.  

And the foot prints, slobber and drool.  I could stay vacuuming and mopping 24 hours a day and still not get this place all clean at one time.  I've learned to ignore it all.  Thankfully the one person that visits most has more dogs and cats than I do, so she's very sympathetic. 



We never noticed this when we had carpet throughout the house, but now that we have tile and vinyl planks we have noticed that our dog is a sloppy drinker.  No, not a sloppy drunk -- he just makes an incredible mess at the water bowl.  And when he walks away from the bowl he leaves a trail of water drops on the floor.


Between his hair and my long Covid hair and his drips and my splattering at the sinks, BH is ready to kill us both.


Life is messy.

This is why you need the Don Aslett microfiber mop. I bought mine about a year & half ago. It's like, but when I got mine it was a super-size and came with 8 pads.


I vacuum for most of my floor cleaning, but the hard floors do need more than that from time to time. Our kitchen, dining room, & hall is vinyl planks. For a lazy housekeeper like me, this mop makes the job quick and easy.


Here's a video of the set I have.



You're tempting me...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@KaySD wrote:

@just bee Three cheers for podcasts! I switched from radio to podcasts a couple of years ago and highly recommend it. I can always find things that are informative, well-done, uplifting even, when that's what I'm after. At any given time, I have several dozen sitting there waiting for me to pick them. Yep, lots is sure changing. Takes patience. Sometimes, podcasts help. 



Or I might just have to start listening to music again.  Probably require a period of escape before I do anything else.


I haven't played my tapes, CDs or record albums since we moved back into the house.  I think I should do that.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~