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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


aprilskies - I would love to have a "real" spring and a "real" fall.  Fall is my favorite season, I love to wear my jackets.  I haven't been able to wear my light jackets for many years.  Around here it goes from snowing one weekend to 80 degrees the next, then it goes from 80 degrees to 32 the next.  Just can't win around here.





I have coats, jackets, hats, scarves, boots, capes, windbreakers, bombers and more sweaters than I can even say.  Some amazing sweaters.  Shetland wool, Aran, cashmere -- some from Ireland, England, Scotland.  Some hand-knit with the most unusual colors and yarns.


I was so prepared to wear my fall and winter wardrobes here but I've become so acclimated to New Mexico that even when it's 20 degrees I wear a light sweatshirt and I'm comfortable.


I have sweaters from junior and senior high school that look brand new.  I love my sweater collection.  It's interesting to note, however, that I look like h_ll in sweaters.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

Well ladies, it’s over.  He’s gone.  My Old Geezer is dead.  Dead.  I think that’s the first time I’ve said that word.  He passed this afternoon.  I have to go to the funeral home tomorrow.  I can’t believe this is happening.


Over, yet just beginning.  A new forever trip.  Unfortunately the only person I want with me on that trip is never coming back.



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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

oh my dear @geezerette I am so very sorry😭  I'd give you a huge hug if I could.  I've hesitated to post anything to you.  I just did this same journey with my dad.  His started this past June and he passed i in November.  About the same age as the geezer, started as the flu, heart failure........ steady decline.  I wanted to just tell you this might be the same for you, but wanted it to be a different outcome for you.  My heart is breaking for you.  I know there are no words, to make anything seem right now.  Please let family and friends be there for you.  Please try and get someone to with you tomorrow.  I'm just so sad for you right now.  

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

There are no words of wisdom or comfort that will help much. Maybe a litle bit, but not much. Yet I would offer them if I could. Please remember all the comfort you have given others over the years, and know the same is now yours from others, whether you can feel it yet or not. The Old Geezer is still there, and still there for you, for as long as you want him to be. You have done so well. There is much love for you.

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March



I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out something to say to you and I’m stuck.  Your post was one I’d hoped I wouldn’t see.


You have a lot to do right now and you’ll be in transition.  I have to say I was skeptical about Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and the five stages of grief until one day I realized that what I was feeling was just that.


I believe that one way to deal with loss is to keep a person alive by doing the things that they would be doing if they were still here with us.  That’s why I spent a fortune on seed and fed the birds – including the neighborhood pigeons – every year after my sister died.  She was gone but it was important to her so somebody had to keep the tradition going.


And that’s why it was so hard to give it up.  Not only did I feel like I was letting the birds down, I felt I was letting my sister down.


And that’s why, I think, it’s been so hard to clear out the past: I’ve been so busy trying to keep everyone I’ve lost alive through items I’ve kept and responsibilities I carry.


But I still feel it’s important to hang on to a few items and do some of the things that they would do.  Listen to that music, prepare that meal, wear that color, visit that place, buy that item, give to that charity.  My stepfather donated blood, so I donate blood.


I guess it’s like a relay race.  You’re handed a baton and you run with it until you can pass it on to someone else.


Just know we’re here.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@geezerette-I am SO sorry to hear your news about your Old Geezer. There are no words that I can say that will make this time any easier for you. Just know that we are all here for you, thinking of you, and wishing you some sort of peace during this trying time. 

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March



I've been lurking and following the ComPact threads for a while now, since I need a mental distraction from my DH's medical needs as he recovers from a bone marrow transplant and I am his 24/7 caregiver.


First, my deepest condolences on the loss of your husband.  My first husband died in a car accident 30 years ago and I have a pretty good idea of what you are experiencing.  Three cops showed up at my door to tell me he had died and my world telescoped down and I went into shock for the first three months.  I was a robot, just went through the motions.  After three months, the shock wore off and I started to really feel the emotional pain and sorrow.  But, it did get easier as time went on.  Holidays and anniversaries will be tough for you the first couple of years.  But, it gets easier.  Looking back, I feel like I lost of year of my life to grief.  I don't remember much of that time period except that I was in misery.


People that haven't lost a spouse/life partner won't know what to say to you out of fear of upsetting you.  They'll say stupid, inane things to try to commiserate and make you feel better.  You won't feel better and you'll probably get mad at what they say, and that's Ok, you feel what you feel.  It gets easier as time goes on.


Looking back, the loss of my husband was far more catastrophic than losing a parent or sibling.  The loss of my husband was losing that close emotional connection and intimacy that you have with your life partner...a much different relationship than with other family members.  I lost all those life experiences I was supposed to have with him...starting a family, watching the kids grow up, growing old together, being with the one person in the world that 'got' me.  His sudden death rocked the very foundation of my life and threatened to topple me.  But, it did get easier as time went on.


I met my second husband a couple of years after my first husband died.  I didn't think I would ever get married again, but I did.  I told DH #2 that this time, I get to die first because I didn't want to experience being widowed a second time.  As fate would have it, he is presently being treated for leukemia and doing well so far.  But, I have to wonder, will he be 'cured' of his cancer or is this really the start of the long goodbye.  Only time will tell. 


Do I have any words of wisdom?  Even during your darkest days, have faith that you will get through the grief and that it will be easier.  And don't be surprised if it takes you a couple of years to work through it.  Be patient with yourself and ignore all the friends/family that think you should 'be over it by now' after six months.  They don't know what they are talking about.  We each recover from grief at our own pace.  Take your time, work through it, and you will come out in one piece on the other side.






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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@geezerette, i share so many of the sentiments already expressed.  You lost not only your husband, but best friend. 😭 My sincerest condolences. So sorry for your loss.  I can’t even imagine what you are feeling right now.  I hope you have people around you that can help and give you strength. 


God bless and may your precious old geezer Rest In Peace. 

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@geezerette   I'm so sorry. My heart hurts deeply for you. You are in my prayers.


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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

So sorry to read about your loss @geezerette. My sincere sympathy to you.