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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!

@just bee,  I don’t care about football either. I didn’t even know who was in the super bowl until just recently.  I just go for the company.  I enjoy the game when I do watch but couldn’t care less who wins.  Altho, when the Pats play, I do route for them depending on who they are playing against.  


Agree about grudge and I don’t hold very many.  This is a hard one for me to let go of.  What kind of heart can you possibly have. It just breaks mine. 



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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!


@just bee,  I don’t care about football either. I didn’t even know who was in the super bowl until just recently.  I just go for the company.  I enjoy the game when I do watch but couldn’t care less who wins.  Altho, when the Pats play, I do route for them depending on who they are playing against.  


Agree about grudge and I don’t hold very many.  This is a hard one for me to let go of.  What kind of heart can you possibly have. It just breaks mine. 





Uh... you don't.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!



Here are two articles.  Similar but....  It is stuff we have talked about here so I don’t know it is necessarily new, but I like refreshers. They help to get back in focus.  


The one from miss minimalist made me chuckle a little bit.  It helps to laugh at yourself a little. 



We've been discussing fantasy lives here for years.  But it's nice to know that others are similarly afflicted.


Allow me to declutter, if you will, these two and merge the "good parts."


Do you have a fantasy self? And if so, how much of your clutter belongs to it?


All too often, we hold on to stuff because it represents who we think we should be, rather than who we are. Sometimes our fantasy selves are meant to impress others; sometimes they’re relics of our past; sometimes they’re fantasies about our future.


Whatever the case, it’s important to remember: acquiring stuff for your fantasy self doesn’t make it a reality. Most of the time, it only leads to a lot of “nice” clutter you never actually use.


Is your fantasy self…


* A culinary diva who has the pots, pans, gadgets, and gizmos to whip up any dish or confection under the sun…
when your real self would rather order takeout?


* A socialite with a closet full of cocktail dresses, with shoes and bags to match…
when the social event of your week is going to the coffee shop?


* A fitness guru with a treadmill, yoga mat, Pilates equipment, and a wardrobe of exercise clothes…
when the most rigorous workout you’ve had lately is taking the stairs?


* An all-star athlete with a garage full of sports gear…
when you’re more likely to catch a game on TV?


* A knitter/sewer/scrapbooker/woodworker extraordinaire with enough supplies to fill a craft store…
when you rarely ever complete a project?


* A DIYer with a workbench stocked with equipment and tools…
when you usually call a handyman if something breaks?


* A globetrotter with premium luggage and travel gear…
when you’d rather curl up on the couch and watch a Rick Steve’s DVD?


* A bigwig executive with expensive suits, silk ties, and luxury watches…
when you wear khakis and a polo shirt to work?


* A cello virtuoso with a library of sheet music…
when you haven’t picked up the instrument since high school?


* The trusted keeper of your family’s history and heirlooms…
when you’d prefer to shove those dusty boxes of junk in the attic?


Storing our fantasy selves’ stuff isn’t fair to our real selves—not only does it make us feel like failures, it takes away the space and time we could devote to uncovering our true passions and potential.


So as you’re decluttering, give the boot to your fantasy self and all its accessories—it’s not giving up on your dreams, it’s making way for real ones!




Our homes have such limited space - why should we have to allot so much of it to the belongings of someone who doesn't exist?


Well, that's the beauty of decluttering: we don't! We're empowered to evict that fantasy self and all her accouterments. It may seem cruel and heartless and difficult at first, but I promise you this - you'll feel a huge sense of relief when she's gone.


Getting rid of that stuff, and the expectations that go along with it, is a tremendous weight lifted from your shoulders. When your fantasy self's formalwear is gone, so is the pressure to attend fancy parties - or the disappointment that an invitation to one hasn't arrived. When your fantasy self's baking supplies are gone, so is the pressure to whip up a cake for everyone's birthday - or the guilt when you don't. When your fantasy self's hobby supplies are gone, so is the pressure to engage in activities you're not all that enthusiastic about.


When you let go of your fantasy self, you let go of a cascade of clutter - not only the physical baggage but the psychological baggage as well.


And what's there in its place? Space! Space in your rooms, your closets, your cabinets, your drawers, your heart, your mind, and your soul. Space to celebrate your real self, and explore your true passions and potential.


Such space creates a fabulous opportunity for self-discovery. When we express ourselves through consumer goods, we lose sight of who we are. Furthermore, we're so busy buying things, and paying for them, and organizing them, we have little time to ponder (or pursue) what matters to us most.


Decluttering gives us more than clean closets. It gives us clarity - for what we want to do, how we want to live, who we want to be. So go ahead, give the boot to your fantasy self and all her accessories. It's not giving up on your dreams, it's making way for real ones.



By Francine Jay, author of The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!

I've been thinking about my fantasy self -- selves, really -- and it has occurred to me that I've been hanging on to memories for dear life and, frankly, many of those memories really aren't that great.


It might explain why I've avoided tackling the clutter.  Who wants to be reminded of the unpleasant buried beneath it all?


Something to think about.


~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!

Another thing to think about.


Did you have a list of things you expected to accomplish by a certain age?  Was it 25?  30?  40?


Those years are gone, those birthdays have passed me by.  The accomplishments?  There have been many but not the ones I expected or planned.


So one of the motivators for me right now is time.  And this seems to be a good time to get things done before the next milestone.  I'll be 59 this year.  I was born in '59 and I'll be 59. 


Can I get a start on it and accomplish a chunk of it by October?  That'll give me one year to polish it up by 60.


Wow.  Do you ever stop and have to do the math to make sure you're really as old as you are?  It never fails to surprise me.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!

@KaySD-I think your goal sounds great! It's something I aspire to also! When we moved into our house almost 6 years ago now, we had so much to unpack a lot of stuff just got stuffed into any drawer or cupboard that it would fit into, just to get it out of a box. I just recently went around and reorganized the glasses, plates, etc in the kitchen because it seemed to make more sense to put all the glasses together in 1 cupboard instead of having them in 2 separate cupboards. I'm trying to look at not only everything having a place, but a place that makes sense. Glad the garage sale went well. 


@aprilskies-great job on the decluttering yesterday! I haven't been doing much lately, just regular housekeeping chores. I hope to get to a little more this week. My husband is a teacher and their S.A.D.D. club is collecting new and gently used stuffed animals to donate to police, MMR, etc to give to kids when they have emergency calls. My kids went to their playroom and found 17 small stuffed animals to donate, mostly beanie babies. They were coming up from the basement with an armfull just as I was coming home from work Friday. Of course I told them how wonderful they were for donating all those animals to the little kids! We got a bunch of snow yesterday again so everyone is home for another snow day today (except me of course, no snow days at the hospital), but hopefully he can take them in tomorrow. 


@just bee-glad the washer is working out! 

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!

There are articles online about using Head & Shoulders on your face, your body and your dog.


Why do I know this? 


Because I woke up this morning and thought, "Why don't I try it as a body wash before I pitch it?"


The one I have is shampoo and conditioner, full of almond oil.


I'm going to try it just for the heck of it.  Can it be worse than B&BW or a philosophy 3-in-1?


As long as it doesn't make the shower stall slippery...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!



@just bee-glad the washer is working out! 



Still in the audition phase...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!

@just bee, thanks for condensing the two articles. 


@rnmom, thanks, that felt really good and I made sure to get everything out yesterday.   You are doing great with decluttering and you and @KaySD are inspiring me to start the process again. I have been doing a little bit as I go kinda thing but nothing dramatic so this felt really good.  Although, I now know why I was avoiding it. It is a lot of work and the decisions are brutal.  But, looking up some articles on peoples personal journeys really helped push me with some of those decisions.  I almost wanted to call out today to continue with it. LOL.   When I go home tonight I will straighten up a little bit more. I now have room in the closet for things.


@rnmom, I am impressed with your kids giving up theirs for the happiness of others. You are teaching them to be kind and I just think that is awesome. All of the ladies on this thread seem to be raising thoughtful kids. Just love it.


Next just has to be my paperwork above all else.  It has been an albatross around my neck for many years now so I have to deal with it once and for all.  At least I just need to get started and do it for little sprurts at a time. I hate paperwork and I lose focus and mental capacity fast.


Well, super bowl is over and the excuse to over indulge.  Back on the HEP train.



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Re: ComPact 2018 – Funtastic February!


Well, super bowl is over and the excuse to over indulge.  Back on the HEP train.





I went through leftover Halloween candy (full size chocolate bars) and if it wasn't expired, I bagged it up to take it to work (nurses + chocolate = gone in 60 seconds); whatever was expired was trashed.  I even threw away the Dove white chocolate eggs that have been taking up space in the fridge. 


Pulled out some old cookbooks -- it's a start.  I need to pull out more.  Filling up a bag with items to throw away, donating other items; recycling bin is full, and the shredder had to be emptied.


Don't put your hand into shredded paper if you also shred plastic cards.  It's like razor blades.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~