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The ComPact is a commitment to simplify, pare down, streamline. It began as a way to gain some control over our collections of beauty products. Why were we amassing so much, yet not using what we were buying? Why were we always searching for the next new product? Why couldn't we just find what worked for us and stick with it?

The ComPact, however, is not restricted to beauty items. If you have a collection you want to address, do it here. Choose an area you want to work on, and track your progress on the ComPact thread. Members will offer tips and encouragement.

Choose one of our many mantras (“One by one until they’re done!” “We are SPAHHHRRRTAN!!!” “Not until you really have to.” “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” “Resist the propaganda.” "If it's high, I don't buy!" “When in doubt, do without!” “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” “Shoplighters of the World Unite!”) or create a new one and share it. Target items each month to toss, donate, or use, and post your “chopping block” -- or “hit list.” Post temptations, post victories.

They say it takes 30 days for something to become a habit: Let's see if taking the ComPact one month at a time works for you.

Join us.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 34,682
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

It's officially spring, so I'll use this change of seasons to replace certain items. I will toss the tube of mascara I opened in January and start a new one on 4/1. New blade in the razor, new toothbrush. This way I don't have to wonder how long I've been using the same toothbrush. New season, new brush. Easy.

This system seems to work well for me.

Finished off a few products and recycled the bottles. So chins up, ladies. This is the time to start anew. What do you want to do to usher in the new season?

It's been a difficult couple of weeks and I did my taxes yesterday. The good news is that my tax guy is someone I used to work with and I consider him a friend, so I do enjoy seeing him. The bad news is that I'll be writing some checks. Big checks.

So today I met up with a friend and went to the BioPark. Gorgeous day. Everything was blossoming and I swear Albuquerque has never looked better. I just needed a day to do something different. Not work. Not school. Just go out and mingle with plants and animals. I'm taking a couple weeks off from school and I'm going to do something fun. Don't know what that will be exactly, but I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to putter. I'm going to work in the yard. I'm going to clean house. I'm going to gather some clothes from the closet and put them in the donation box in front of Hobby Lobby.

It occurred to me today that I will never wear all those Hawaiian shirts I collected in the 80s. And I don't expect to be invited to a luau any time soon.

And now I must check out my bird cams. I've been watching the eagles in Pennsylvania, the owls in Georgia, the hawks in San Diego, and the baby albatross in Hawaii. I'm so enjoying these families. I'm addicted!

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 352
Registered: ‎03-11-2012
Hi just bee, I know you don't care for ABQ all that much but I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed a day out in nature. My DH and I fly out next week for a few days to search for a place to rent and we are getting bad news about places allowing our dog. She is just over 60 lbs. but she is over 11 yrs old. Kids can cause more mess than a dog, but people just don't want dogs in their place. Wish us luck. I've been very emotional about it. Cried a few times. I don't know what we'll do if no one allows her. I'm still using up all my little samples of cosmetics and getting ready for a big give-away of some clothes and other junk.
Posts: 72
Registered: ‎10-22-2013

Happy April Ladies! I love reading here for inspiration. Compact has helped me shop mindfully. I no longer shop for the fun of it. This is wonderful. I also have been reading the Fly Lady book, Sink Reflections. It was the kick in the pants I needed to release clothes in a big way. I will be taking more bags to Salvation Army this week. So happy with my progress. Thanks Just Bee & Ladies!

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Hi Ladies. Hope everyone is doing well. I am struggling a bit to get my product buying under control but I am working on it. Not quite sure why I took 3 steps backward. I was getting in such a good place. Maybe, that is what started the ball rolling. I have a box of various stuff for donation and I can't wait to drop that off. It has been sitting around for awhile so I will get it out this week. This morning I go to run out for an errand and about to put on my slip on sneakers and see something inside. I look closer and, yep, one of my kitties got sick. ewww. uh, that was gross. So, I picked them up and tossed them. So glad I saw that. I wouldn't of been a happy camper. I was going to toss those sneakers before but held on to them because they were good for taking out the garbage, short jaunts, etc so it was good to toss them really. I am so glad it was that pair and not my other ones. Who knew kitties can help declutter.

For the month of April, I have to go back to being mindful with my product purchases. I am going to write myself a note and stick it on the bathroom mirror. Since it is April 1st, I can start the month clean. Happy Spring, everyone. If it ever gets here. This morning I was still scraping ice off my windshield and it was freezing outside. I hope it warms up. I could use some warm sun.

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Registered: ‎04-27-2010

Good morning ladies, hope everyone is doing well.

Aprilskies - Like you. I will go back to being more mindful of my purchasing, I also have a large basket of facial cleaners, creams, hair "stuff" ect.. sitting in a cupboard, I have decided it is just going. I kept thinking I will use it and it is still sitting there doing nothing. I decided I am going to tough with myself on "stuff" still sitting in my house. I am tired of organizing and reorganizing it, I feel like I never get ahead.

Just bee - Sounds like you do need a little time off, hope you get all you want to get accomplished done.

Well speaking of decluttering, I am off and moving.

Have a good day everyone.

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Posts: 34,682
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 4/1/2015 sundrops said: Hi just bee, I know you don't care for ABQ all that much but I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed a day out in nature. My DH and I fly out next week for a few days to search for a place to rent and we are getting bad news about places allowing our dog. She is just over 60 lbs. but she is over 11 yrs old. Kids can cause more mess than a dog, but people just don't want dogs in their place. Wish us luck. I've been very emotional about it. Cried a few times. I don't know what we'll do if no one allows her. I'm still using up all my little samples of cosmetics and getting ready for a big give-away of some clothes and other junk.

I don't understand this. Most of the dogs I know are model citizens -- unlike the feral children who live on either side of us and who destroyed our front yard yesterday. Talking to them and talking to their "parents" does no good. They moved the river boulders and broke some of the larger rocks because for some reason they like the use them to pulverize other rocks. Then they leave the mess on our sidewalk. They also piled rocks on top of my plants which are not weeds. No, they are real plants that I paid for and planted.

Then there's the litter they drop all over our yard. I do not understand this behavior. I was taught the word "trespass" when I was barely in school. I never played on others' property. I never destroyed anything.

Are you sure you want to move here?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Super Contributor
Posts: 352
Registered: ‎03-11-2012
Just bee, our dog is shepherd/boxer mix. Two places told us that shepherds are on the "undesirable" list along with pit bulls. Even though she is only half shepherd, she is on the list. Crazy right? We had a very tough time here last summer finding a place to rent with her.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 995
Registered: ‎10-21-2011

Happy April Everyone!

I got rid of a bunch of products last month (32 tossed & 104 donated).

I have to admit, I think the Dermatologist was right. Replacing fragranced products with fragrance free has helped make such a difference!

This month, the only thing I'll be ushering in is fragrance free products (laundry, bath, body & hair) if I can find really good sales. Smile

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Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Thank you for getting the ComPact going for April, just bee.

Changing your toothbrush on the first of each calendar quarter is a great idea. My system has always been to change mine when I get my teeth cleaned and then three months after that. Your way is much easier to remember, so I tossed my used toothbrush today and opened a new one. You know I have new toothbrushes in the bathroom drawer, don't ya'!!

I'm sorry you've had a tough couple of weeks. I feel your pain about taxes. We owe quite a bit for the first time. I don't get it. We are a middle class family of four. I think we pay the government plenty, but that is not enough. My husband just changed his withholding so hopefully this won't happen next year. Added to that, we just had to repair both cars. The water pump in mine and the water pump, motor mount, and timing belt in the other car. At least the cars are paid for, but it doesn't lessen the pain. Before these expenses, we signed a contract to have our upstairs windows painted in May. We did the lower windows ourselves, but the others are tricky. If I had known what expenses were headed our way, I would have put off the windows.

Things are starting to bloom in the south, too. The flowers on the dogwoods did not last very long. Hopefully, everything else will stay throughout April. Speaking of outdoors, I was sitting on my front porch just thinking and looking at our yard. There are three small bushes that are oddly placed next to the front porch. The stems are very thin, delicate, and covered with thorns. The stems break easily and cover the walkway. Sometimes, a few branches make it into my home. Stepping on these stems with bare feet is so painful. Well, I was sitting on the porch and decided that I had had enough. I grabbed the pitchfork from the garage and dug up those bushes. Gone!! I reshaped the bed and will plant some grass where the bushes used to be. It looks so much better already. I told the kids that there are still some thorns left behind because I could not get all of the stems. I will rake the area again before I plant the grass.

Sundrops, keep looking until you find a place that will allow you to bring your dog. I agree about kids. They can be very messy. A well-trained dog is not a problem. Just bee, don't talk to parents. I do not know exactly when it happened, but many parents have stopped teaching their kids rules and proper behavior. I haven't had to speak to many parents about their kids misbehaving, but when I have most of the time it ended badly. Parents refuse to believe that their kids do anything wrong and won't address the issue. This just encourages the bad behavior. One time, I saw a neighborhood boy doing something that wasn't terribly wrong or criminal, but it was dangerous. I didn't want to confront the parent just because of previous experience with other parents but did so because I did not want anything to happen to this boy. What a relief it was when his mother thanked me for telling her and said she would talk to her son. There are still some parents who take parenting seriously.

Kitty, I am still working on my closet. I know! I know! It feels like a job that I will never complete. Anyway, I am going through my spring sweaters and have a few to donate.

April, spring is on its way, I promise! Sorry about kitty leaving a present for you in your shoe. Sometimes, my cat will sleep on my shoes, but so far he hasn't left a gift. Regarding buying, it is so hard to stop especially if you read these boards. When certain vendors are on the air, the excitement on the boards is difficult to ignore. But with all the expenses I've had lately, I need to give it a good try. Besides, if I am going to buy anything, I'd prefer to buy some flowers for my front porch after my mini makeover.

PAlady, good luck with the decluttering. DS is a high school junior and receives brochures from colleges on a daily basis. I need to organize them and toss the ones he has no interest in. Perhaps this needs to be a project DS and I do together.

I am about to go to the store. We are going to have fish tonight. Probably salmon. I am completely off my game. Not exercising (except digging up bushes and mowing the lawn twice). Eating too many sugary foods. Way too much. Seriously, sometimes I get to dinnertime and realize that all I have eaten all day is sugar. My stomach hurts and so do my joints. Knees and elbows in particular. I looked up online the causes of joint pain. Sugar was at the top of the list on many websites. I am going to get my act together. Exercise and good nutrition are critical. My emotions have been all over the place, too. Sadness, anger, disappointment, fear, etc. This has got to stop before I make myself sick. So salmon and vegetables are on the menu tonight. What for dinner at your home?

Paws and enjoy life.