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Hello Friends,

Glad to see so many new friends on the thread! Welcome to all!

I have stayed true to my no buy for lotion and showergel and scrubs my problem areas.

But did buy some makeup from the recent ELF sale. I'm really lusting after the Lorac Pro Palette. And have resisted buying since my new Mally one on AD will ship next month which is a planned purchase. I do not need two palettes in a month. And do not want this new palette obession to get out of hand, makeup has not been one of my main problem areas. I certainly don't want it to turn into one. I recognize the fact that in caving to the ELF sale it was putting a bandaid on the lemming for the LORAC palette. I am interested to see the colors in the new Mally palette, if I like the Lorac palette better I will get that instead and hopefully be done with it! I can't even read the palette thread that was recently on Beauty Banter. I don't even want to see the new Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette.

But on the other hand I've come so far, resisting all the recent beauty TSV's and cancelling lots of AD's.

I would love to join the ORC sign me up!! Its just what I need a jumpstart and a plan for a simpler way! I'm starting with the bathroom, inculding the dreaded hall linen closet in that. At least now when I open it 32 oz. bottles of showergel don't fall on my feet! Watch out medicine cabinet here I come!

Have a good weekend all! Stay warm its freezing and snowy again in NY today!

"Dogs heal hearts they never broke"
RIP Lexi aka "Momma" 1/15/24
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So I started on the one room challenge today. I took everything out of the closet by the back door. Most of it went directly into the back of the station wagon - old decorations, candles, arrangements, etc., that I never use any more. I am currently sitting here going through 3.5-inch floppy diskettes (I know, I know!), destroying the inner mag disk and recycling the plastic sleeves and aluminum closure covers.

I think I am just going to keep going on the first floor and maybe get it all done today. And while I'm doing that, I'll probably watch the Skinn shows.

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Registered: ‎10-16-2010
On 1/25/2014 dperry said:

I just finished two lip glosses this week!!!! Now I have to go into the stash to get two more. What am I not doing? Going to the store and buying a backup. No more backups for me ever. Period. I am using the stash. My husband though I was crazy when I whooped it up about finishing two lip glosses! He thought it was weird. It may be weird, but being a stasher is weird too.

Your excitement is understandable. I finished one lip gloss this week and will be finishing another next week for sure because I am scraping the sides of the tube to get every last bit. Yea!!

Paws and enjoy life.
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Registered: ‎10-16-2010
On 1/25/2014 KonaKat said:

I am really being tempted by the HSN cosmetic, etc. organizer. I have it in my cart but as much as I would like it, I hate to ruin my non-buying streak. I keep telling myself that it probably is not as good as it looks or sounds.

That bag set is so tempting. I really want it and could use it, but I'm not going to buy it. The nice thing about HSN is that they frequently have different kinds of specials. In a month or two, this set might have an event price and no shipping. We will also have the benefit of reading the reviews. I can wait. Who knows? By then, I might talk myself out of it.

Paws and enjoy life.
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Registered: ‎05-14-2010

I have to admit, I am not one to undergo a complete closet cleanout, but I did go through the hall closet and found a nice set of knives that I had no idea I even had. I have been in this house almost 10 yrs, so they could have been there that long. Other things were stacked on top of them. Who knows what is in here. One day at a time. My main focus is still my bath and beauty stash. I am becoming obsessed with getting things into smaller containers and getting rid of those uber's that I thought I needed so badly. My latest concoction was to take some makeup samples and add them to some moisturizer and now I have a tinted moisturizer.

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Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Kathie66 - The Chocolate Bar palette was one of the palettes that I was interested in. I looked at it at Sephora and wasn't wowed. It is pretty, but I counted the colors that I did not think would look good on me (too warm or too dark). There were several. That would make the palette more expensive than it already is. I crossed it off my list along with two others. Now, there is just one palette that I want (Too Faced Boudoir Eyes). Maybe I'll be able to talk myself out of it. (I am trying to talk myself out of a lot of things!!!)

Paws and enjoy life.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 1/25/2014 Dosey said:
On 1/25/2014 KonaKat said:

I am really being tempted by the HSN cosmetic, etc. organizer. I have it in my cart but as much as I would like it, I hate to ruin my non-buying streak. I keep telling myself that it probably is not as good as it looks or sounds.

That bag set is so tempting. I really want it and could use it, but I'm not going to buy it. The nice thing about HSN is that they frequently have different kinds of specials. In a month or two, this set might have an event price and no shipping. We will also have the benefit of reading the reviews. I can wait. Who knows? By then, I might talk myself out of it.

I passed on the bag set. It is available at Amazon. Isn't nearly everything? It may or may not be available in the future, but I decided I could organize and store things in boxes if needed. They may not be pretty but they work. I just didn't want to break my non-essential buying streak, or a set would be coming home as I know I can use them.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎10-16-2010
On 1/25/2014 KonaKat said:
On 1/25/2014 Dosey said:
On 1/25/2014 KonaKat said:

I am really being tempted by the HSN cosmetic, etc. organizer. I have it in my cart but as much as I would like it, I hate to ruin my non-buying streak. I keep telling myself that it probably is not as good as it looks or sounds.

That bag set is so tempting. I really want it and could use it, but I'm not going to buy it. The nice thing about HSN is that they frequently have different kinds of specials. In a month or two, this set might have an event price and no shipping. We will also have the benefit of reading the reviews. I can wait. Who knows? By then, I might talk myself out of it.

I passed on the bag set. It is available at Amazon. Isn't nearly everything? It may or may not be available in the future, but I decided I could organize and store things in boxes if needed. They may not be pretty but they work. I just didn't want to break my non-essential buying streak, or a set would be coming home as I know I can use them.

I don't want to break mine, either. It's funny how seriously I am taking the no buy. DD mentioned it to me this afternoon. She said I was doing really well. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Paws and enjoy life.
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,053
Registered: ‎11-25-2010
On 1/25/2014 Dosey said:
On 1/25/2014 dperry said:

I just finished two lip glosses this week!!!! Now I have to go into the stash to get two more. What am I not doing? Going to the store and buying a backup. No more backups for me ever. Period. I am using the stash. My husband though I was crazy when I whooped it up about finishing two lip glosses! He thought it was weird. It may be weird, but being a stasher is weird too.

Your excitement is understandable. I finished one lip gloss this week and will be finishing another next week for sure because I am scraping the sides of the tube to get every last bit. Yea!!

The anticipation is killing me. I'm going to finish a Revlon Lip Butter in Fig Jam next week. I've had this since the craze first began so that tells you how old it is. And like a fool I bought ten colors. With the support of the ComPact I was able to finish 4, gift 1, toss 2 that were totally wrong for me and now I have 3 more to finish this year. Fortunately I like this formula and enjoy wearing it. But I learned my lesson to just buy one, not multiples. Congrats to everyone that finishes a lippie! It IS an accomplishment.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Oh, I also cancelled my QVC insider magazine so that I can not be tempted. Getting that magazine made me want to watch the Q and I felt too tempted when it came.