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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

When I was in High School I could have been a walking poster for Jovan Musk. I loved it. My sister still wears it.

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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

In high school, I wore Musk by Houbigant (sp?) as I preferred it over Jovan's.


Layered it with a gardenia scented cream sachet.


Caught my DH's attention with it--for sure.Heart





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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

This was a favorite of mine too. 

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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

Kuumba Made Egyptian Musk.  Organic, cruelty free and smells so fresh, clean, and light.  I get compliments every time i wear it. 

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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

Whenever I get the urge for musk I always go back to Jovan Musk since it was what I wore so much of in the 70's.  Now my late little sister was a fool for Victoria Secret french vanilla.  It always reminded me of musk but on a softer side.  I may have to go pick up some Jovan for old time's sake.  Another good one is Sand n Sable, I got my aunt hooked on that back in the 80's.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Another vote for Egyptian Musk.  

Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy wore Kareem Egyptian Musk.  I have ordered (several times) it and save it for sacred events in my life, as it seems so appropriate.  I've also purchased the oils to make it at home (haven't yet). Lovely, heady. 

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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

After reading a post a few days ago about which musk we wore and loved, it sent me down Memory Lane to my high school days when I wore Musk by Alyssa Ashley.  I usedto get tons of compliments.  I thought for sure they stopped making it but checked on Amazon.  Lo and behold, they still make it!  Ordered it two days ago, it arrived this morning.  Happy to say it still smells great.  And it's still very inexpensive.  Yay!

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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

[ Edited ]

@BlueFinch   I was quite  the hippie in my day!!!!!!!      Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

@Lucky Charm wrote:

In high school, I wore Musk by Houbigant (sp?) as I preferred it over Jovan's.


Layered it with a gardenia scented cream sachet.


Caught my DH's attention with it--for sure.Heart





@Lucky Charm 

that's the one! I found it to be superior to the Jovan.


I wouldn't mind a bottle of it now....



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Re: Anyone have a favorite scent with musk?

[ Edited ]

In the 80s and part of the 90s I sometimes wore Soft Musk by Avon.  When they discontinued it, I tried Jovan Musk which was still available at drugstores.  I thought it too strong and didn't care for it.  Next to it on the shelf was Jovan White Musk.  Loved it at first sniff and prefer it over Avon's now which makes a brief comeback now and then. I currently have a bottle of White Musk in my rotation.


One of my favorite scents for the past 15 years or so is Cashmere Mist by Donna Karan, which has a cozy warm musk undertone.