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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

@SandGirl ---- yes am almost 10 years out from dx----hard to believe---have all of 2022 taking meds then I,m done--- thx for your kind words. ☺️

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

@wagirl wrote:

@SandGirl ---- yes am almost 10 years out from dx----hard to believe---have all of 2022 taking meds then I,m done--- thx for your kind words. ☺️

@wagirl  10 years already? Wow, time goes by so quickly, I am so happy you are almost done with the meds, my aunt went through it about the same time as you and she is finally off her meds, thank the good lord everything worked out so well, makes worrying about some temple hairloss senseless!!! Somedays I think a nice wig would save me so much time in my day HA!

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

I wish the caps with the light therapy were more affordable.

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

@SilleeMee wrote:

My Capillus cap sure has made my hairline fill in very nicely. In fact, that's really the only thing that has done that. The supplements are good for maintaining healthy hair but supps don't make my scalp sprout new hairs. 


Maybe try Minoxidil. That did not work for me but for some people it makes their hair grow back.

I've been interested in the lazer hair caps, too.


Do you need to keep using them too once your hair starts to grow back in, or will your hair continue to thin again once you stop?


I guess what I'm trying to ask is if this is an item that you also have to keep on using, like taking supplements, using Minoxidil etc?


I've noticed that I now have a noticeable balding patch in the front of my head where I normally part my hair on my right side.

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

@Toppers3 wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

My Capillus cap sure has made my hairline fill in very nicely. In fact, that's really the only thing that has done that. The supplements are good for maintaining healthy hair but supps don't make my scalp sprout new hairs. 


Maybe try Minoxidil. That did not work for me but for some people it makes their hair grow back.

I've been interested in the lazer hair caps, too.


Do you need to keep using them too once your hair starts to grow back in, or will your hair continue to thin again once you stop?


I guess what I'm trying to ask is if this is an item that you also have to keep on using, like taking supplements, using Minoxidil etc?


I've noticed that I now have a noticeable balding patch in the front of my head where I normally part my hair on my right side.

@Toppers3   Its a lifetime commitment, the good news is they say the devices pretty much last a lifetime so you shouldn't have to purchase another unless you were wanting to upgrade but yes, if you stop using it your hair will slowly revert back to the way it was prior to starting.

Think of it like going to the gym, if you stopped going you would slowly lose your results over time.

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

I've been using some kind of laser device on my head for almost a decade. First it was the Hairmax comb then two different types of caps. My advice to anyone is to buy a device with the most number of laser lights inside it....of course the more lasers means the cost is higher, too. When you use a device with many lasers that increases the surface area covered on your scalp so more hair will grow back sooner. Shoot for the moon and buy the one you can afford, not the one that will just get you by. It's a lifetime investment and for me it is worth every cent.

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

I have had thinning spots on and off for years, believe it is from stress, diet and age. My hairdresser told me to massage my scalp as often as I can. Not good to shampoo your hair every day. I wash my hair once a week. I massage my scalp all the time and it has helped with some of the thinning spots. Too afraid to try topical treatments and devices. Give it a try. Good luck!

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

@savetheanimals wrote:

I have had thinning spots on and off for years, believe it is from stress, diet and age. My hairdresser told me to massage my scalp as often as I can. Not good to shampoo your hair every day. I wash my hair once a week. I massage my scalp all the time and it has helped with some of the thinning spots. Too afraid to try topical treatments and devices. Give it a try. Good luck!

@savetheanimals   Thank you and plus I just wantd to say I love your user name, I'm with you on this, SAVE THE ANIMALS!!!! 

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

[ Edited ]

I had a serious bleaching accident a few weeks ago. My hair is incredibly thick but I have a ton of breakage right at the scalp. Enough that I am wearing a headband for the foreseeable future. I did some research and I picked up The Ordinary hair serum. I see it was mentioned by someone else on here.


I watched a ton of reviews on TikTok and YouTube and everybody loved it for the most part. I started using it a week ago and I have a receding hairline. I have been using it every night.  Today I noticed a couple of new hairs in my receding hairline. I have not had hair in there for a years. I only started using this because everyone said it gave fast hair growth. I was not trying to fix thinning hair but it is working. 

The whole secret of using it is that you have to deposit it directly onto the scalp and use it sparingly. Massage it in well otherwise your hair will get very greasy. I use it every night and I'm only washing my hair every four days.   I am thrilled with the results I am seeing after a week. My hair is definitely growing faster than usual.

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Re: Anyone find something that works for hair temple "thinning"?

Hi @SandGirl ,


Thanks for your response. Smiley Happy


I wasn't sure if you had to use the lazer caps like everything else consistently.


Wouldn't it be nice someday if someone created something that allowed all of us to just use it once and our hair would just grow back and we wouldn't have to worry about it again?


Yeah...wishful thinking...Smiley Wink