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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

Good to see a PS for Botox the first time. There are muscles in the forehead that are injected and too much can make one look heavy eye-lidded. My Derm did mine - the 11s -the first time and I hated it. I had a PS do it last September and he did an amazing job. He did a bit in the outer brow too to lift the eye. I was even going to post before and afters on here I loved the results so well. On me it lasts about 4-5 months :-( I wish it were longer because he was expensive. If I didn't buy jewelry and purses I could easily save up for regular treatments!

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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

On 7/14/2014 HappyDaze said:

Thanks for the info, Becki! I had never heard that some let it wear off completely before they do it again because it can take better. Interesting- you learn something new every day! Smiley Happy

It's just so different for everyone, I think.

To be completely honest, I also wait awhile because it saves $$$ too, LOL.

I used to try to get it again before it wore out and it just never seemed to do as well.

I thought maybe they didn't give me full doses when I reupped early because I didn't need as much yet, if that makes sense. Hard to say.....

Or maybe I just think it looks good if I wait awhile because I haven't seen it for a long time, LOL.

I do like it though. I keep going back. Smiley Happy

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎06-23-2010

Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

I've had Botox and now get Dysport for my 11's.The doctor gets a better price on the Dysport so I do too. I get it done about every 18-20 weeks. Most times it has not worn off completely when I go it for the next treatment. My doc schedules months in advance otherwise I might wait for it to wear off more. My cost is $325, but I can't remember how many units he uses. Price has been the same since I started 6 or 7 years ago and I was a little younger than you when I started. I have never had a bad side effect and no one really notices except I don't look like I'm frowning anymore. Enjoy your new look.
Posts: 46
Registered: ‎05-06-2010

Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

i've had botox 3 times and i like it. i get 20 units between the brows and 10 units above in the middle area of the forehead. it takes one week to really notice and then it lasts almost 5 months. this last time i also got filler for my cheeks and mouth lines and it is awesome! i've decided to stop with all the expensive creams and just save for these treatments instead. my age is 51.

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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

I got it for my 11 frown lines between the brows. While I was pleased that I no longer was looking angry, I found a new problem. My eyes are sensitive to light, therefore I was always, frowning. The botox stopped me from frowning, but instead of frowning my eyes squinted. The lower eyelid was pulling up to compensate for me not being able to frown. I started getting crinkles under my eyes that I didn't have before. The crinkles are more under the inner corners of my eyes, below the eye. Maybe I should have gotten botox below my eyes too. I've decided to age gracefully. You can still be attractive with wrinkles and gray hair. I look in the mirror and see all my flaws and none of the good.

I guess the real reason it wasn't successful for me was because, for me it was against my own personal ethics. I felt guilty spending money on my own vanity instead of feeding the poor.

I hope it works for you and you will be happy with your results.

I had it done twice. The first time I had to go 3 times, so I switched Dr. The second times I had to go twice and I ended up getting 38 units just for my frown lines. This amount is unheard of. I guess I have very strong muscles. I think it just wasn't meant to be. LOL!

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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

Smart to go to a PS. You'll be fine and you'll be pleased. My favorite part is the lift you get above your brows from a good doc. Makes a lot more sense than expecting the same result and spending $$$ on lotions and potions and empty promises. Good for you!
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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

I have not had any, but I would like to recommend that you take a look at HOTandFlashy on YOUTUBE. She has a very informative couple of videos on her experience with Botox (likes, but has advice) Retin A, Lasers, Fillers, etc.

I don't have any elevens or forehead wrinkles, but when I see what Retin A and Botox have done for her eyes over the time I have been watching...well, it is impressive.

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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

Good luck! Please come back and post your thoughts! SO many people are so very pleased with the results. I'll be doing it soon one day, too! I'm so excited for you!

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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

KateChopin----thanks so much for recommending Hot and Flashy on YouTube! I found her video on Botox and it was very informative. I can't wait to watch more of her videos.....they seem to be well done. Thanks, again.
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Re: Anybody tried botox? Do u recommend it? Need advice

I have had it and will be getting it again next month. I love it. I am 45.