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I too had a relatively easy time of it.  Exercise  & healthy eating help but maybe some luck too as my mom had a long, dreadful go of it.  I did not take any hormones or meds either.  Like many, dry skin , thinning hair (took biotin but saw no change so maybe not enough). But all in all feel blessed that I am basically healthy and while I too would love my flat stomach of my younger days, happy I have my health & family.  Curious what eating habits you switched to.

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My last period was a month before my 59th birthday so I was almost 60 when it was "official".  For me, the best thing about menopause is the pause part.  The rest, not so much.  

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The changes that I have noticed after menopause is:



  • Don't have to shave my legs
  • Zero sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness






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@tends2dogs   I know the doctor can prescribe something so you can enjoy intercourse again.  Talk to your doctor.

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@Katcat1   Believe me, I have tried everything that they can prescribe, except synthetic hormones, which I refuse.  When I use the natural estriol, it effects my breasts, causing pain.  When I first took it years ago, it caused me to bleed.  I had benign uterine fibroids.  I had numerous vaginal ultrasounds done to keep an eye on any changes.  I finally had to quit using it.


Being able to and wanting to are two different things.  In a way, I guess you could say, I have closed up shop.

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@Anonymous032819 wrote:

The changes that I have noticed after menopause is:



  • Don't have to shave my legs
  • Zero sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness






I am with you on that except I still have to shave my legs, LOL! Woman Wink

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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@Shelbelle  Add Hashimotos thyroiditis to this and you will be on fire for sure.  I still have to shave the legs, arms and such.  I truly wish my thyroid medicine would get regulated properly now and I might be a happy camper.