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Re: 60's thread for June!

@Puddles@Helen@kat 💗💛💚💜💙 thank you so so much! Little infant boy is precious! We found LEXI was hot and running a temperature of 102*!!! So, being at the hospital the very doctor of hers came to check her out. She is fine, but still, the advice was not to have a lot of contact right now. It was fine... She was SO SLEEPY -- not normal. She is doing fine now.
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's thread for June!

I apologize....I was typing, and got "poofed" typos and all! I don't want to lose you guys! I am very confused! This is too hard for an old lady!
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Re: 60's thread for June!

[ Edited ]

spammom, don't give up. this has been a frustrating transition for all of us. it's not just you. it begins to make a little more sense after a few days, but I still don't have it completely figured out yet. not being as effortless as it was before, I have found that I usually don't even bother to read or browse any of the other threads because it's just not as enjoyable anymore.

I did end up ordering the NuFace device last night after taking a good, long, critical look in the mirror. I have more sagging and drooping than I realized, I guess. so I'll give it a try. they have a 90 day return policy on this item.

Loves, I hope little Lexi is doing better. 102 temp is concerning, but if her doctor checked her out and said she is OK, then I guess she just needs to stay at home for a day or two until she feels better and can be around the new little babe.

Helen, I'm sure you enjoyed your family gathering. it sounds like your weather was perfect for a cook-out.

the forecast for my area is 98 degrees next week. I know where I'll be: inside. whatever I may need to do outside will have to be at sunset.

I hope Hayfield, Martie, RetRN, Fancy, shorelady, nana, Kat, cottonball, snardy, homegirl, hooty, puddles and all our dear friends here are snuggled in for the night and feeling well.

here's a special Mississippi sunset for you.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Taking a minute to check in here. DD is taking a bath and DH is "resting his eyes" in his chair.

SPAMMOM, thank goodness you found us. I was getting worried. I'm not used to this new site at all, although it's a little better. I'm surprised you lost your post. Supposedly everything is on auto save now and that's not supposed to happen. Are you posting from your IPad? If so, I'm finding its not Ipad friendly. Hope to hear from you again soon. To find us just type our title in the search engine at the top; still in Beauty. Hope you and your DH are doing well....

LOVES, our baby Lexi has a "bug!" Well, she couldn't be in better hands than with Grandma Kay😊...hopefully, she'll be better soon and in time to welcome her brother, sweet Lucas. Thank you for stopping by with an update...sending love!

MOCHAHONEY, that Nu Face was tempting. You'll have to let us know how you like it. I'm also concerned with firming; I really don't have many wrinkles. Love your photo...I'm so glad you're still able to upload them. I'm hoping I'll find a way soon.

KAT, I'm sure your hair looks cute. Sounds short but will be perfect on these hot days and before you know it you'll need a haircut again! Hope you and Ava are having a great weekend!

I keep getting a notice while I'm typing that an error has occurred. It comes and goes...don't know what's up with that! Oh well, as long as I don't lose my post...Good Night everyone!
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Group hug for Lexi by Domestic-hedgehog

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: 60's thread for June!

good morning friends, and happy sunday to all !!


helen, i am so sorry that you are having such a hard time on the ipad.  i certainly understand how much easier it is for you to use the ipad and not have to trudge upstairs to the computer.  i wish they would FIX this so that all of you ipad users would not have to struggle so.  please hang in there ... maybe TPTB are working on a fix.   hope you are having a great visit with your dd this weekend, and that your dh has a wonderful father's day visit with her!


our trip to orlando to the dog show was just fabulous.  my little 'granddog' is doing quite well in the rings, and did pick up a couple of ribbons, ... although not a #1 this time.  my dd is very pleased with her progress, tho, ... and that's what matters.  anyway, we had a wonderful (but LONG) day and i was one pooped pup when i got home.  i left at 8 AM and did not get home till 8 PM.  that is a LONG day for this old lady!


spammom, i am so happy that you were able to find us, and i pray that you are able to struggle thru the learning process that we are all experiencing.  


kat, i am sorry to hear that you had an unpleasant experience at the hair salon!   i feel for you, as i CLEARLY remember having the same experience so many times when my hair was shorter.  hope that it grows in FAST for you!


loves, ... poor little lexi is so lucky to have you there to nurse her thru this little bump in the road.  i hope you are enjoying a little bit of time with the little baby too ... have they come home from the hospital?  


mocha, those recent pix are FABULOUS !!!  i so very much enjoy them ... thanx again.  


wishing the best to all our friends, and hope that slowly we will regroup and gather again! 


waving hi to retrn, shorelady, martie, hayfield, puddles ... and all of our new posters!



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Re: 60's thread for June!

Good afternoon, Ladies.


fancy,  The dog show sounds like it is fun.  I have only been to one in Chicago. I love animals but I would really like to see a cat show (I have one).


Helen and fancy,  I will probably not need a haircut for 5 or 6 months!  The style is cute but I am not a petite woman so when it is so short I don't think it's a cut for me.  I may give the stylist one more chance but if she cuts it her way, I will have to find someone new.


We had a thunderstorm last night.  The rain destroyed one of my Impatient plants (rot).  I don't have any Geraniums but I know they prefer it on the dry side so I wonder what they are looking like.  We have been getting rain for weeks now 3 or 4 times a week.


Hi out to Spammom -- I hope you are doing well.  Hi out to everyone.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



kindness is strength
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Can I interest anyone in a drink?


... refreshing fun summer drinks, a great giveaway, and some friends

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: 60's thread for June!

@Puddles wrote:

Can I interest anyone in a drink?


... refreshing fun summer drinks, a great giveaway, and some friends

Looks so refreshing.  I could use one as it isi in the high 80's here.

kindness is strength
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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: 60's thread for June!

I learned a few new tricks.  To post, you can hit reply anywhere in the thread.  To REPLY to a particulr thread go to that thread and hit REPLY at the bottom.  When the box comes up for your message look to the far right "QUOTE" and hit that.  That is located just above Font Sizes.

kindness is strength