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Re: 60's thread for June!

Happy First-Day-of-Summer, everybody. Nice day in Western New York, and for anyone who's following such things, hunt for escaped convicts is about 90 miles from here. We're safe and sound in our little hamlet. Sunny day, not as warm as other years, but nice none-the-less.


Wishing you all a lovely day!



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Re: 60's thread for June!

@Katcat1 wrote:

I learned a few new tricks.  To post, you can hit reply anywhere in the thread.  To REPLY to a particulr thread go to that thread and hit REPLY at the bottom.  When the box comes up for your message look to the far right "QUOTE" and hit that.  That is located just above Font Sizes.

well, there ya go! Kat, thank you for poting this. somehow , I never saw the "quote" in the upper right corner. yea!!

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!

@MartieHugs wrote:

Happy First-Day-of-Summer, everybody. Nice day in Western New York, and for anyone who's following such things, hunt for escaped convicts is about 90 miles from here. We're safe and sound in our little hamlet. Sunny day, not as warm as other years, but nice none-the-less.


Wishing you all a lovely day!



90 miles is very close. I'm not sure I would feel so safe. I hope you'e right.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!

[ Edited ]

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. ours was quiet, but nice. we stayed busy, got a few things done and cooked out on the grill tonight. I worked for hours and hours on genealogy today until I feel cross-eyed. I have a letter that one of daddy's cousins wrote to him in 1978 with lots of names and dates so I used it to fill in a large portion of the family tree.

I have some cucumbers growing now, and lots of jalapeno peppers. I replanted lettuce and radishes last week. my globe tomato plants aren't producing anything yet. I hope they will soon.

here's a Barnett reservoir sunset pic for you. have a peaceful evening, y'all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!

[ Edited ]
Hi Everyone! Just popping in for a quick good night. Is it taking you all a long time to get on here. I mean, I sign in and it takes forever to load up and bring me to the main forums. So frustrating and tiresome.

LOVES, hope Lexi is feeling better today. When will your daughter and Lucas be back home? Waiting to hear all is good and they're home well and happy.

We just got back from our son's and DD is headed back home. We tried to talk her in to spending the night and driving to work from here, but she would have had to have gotten up too early; it's about a two hour drive. The weather was beautiful, we barbequed and sat by the pool. At least I did; just about everyone else went in.

FANCY, the dog show sounded so much fun. We'll watch on TV whenever we can. I bet it's amazing in person. Yay to your little grand dog for participating. Sounds like a long day. Hope you can catch up on rest tomorrow.

PUDDLES...we had a few drinks today that look pretty close to your photo. So good! Love seeing you here!

KAT, I still haven't tried my laptop to read/post. None of your tips work from my Ipad😟 from what I see from your posts, I think you've got this pretty much figured out....I'm hoping I will soon too.

MOCHAHONEY, I thought about you today. Sounds like you and your DH had a relaxing day...I'm glad you kept busy with your genealogy; I know you enjoy it. What are you going to do with your jalapeños? We love them!

Well, I guess I better get off here, wash up and get ready for bed. I'm sure most of you are way ahead of me...MARTIE, stay safe. I agree with MOCHAHONEY; those guys are a little too close for comfort!

Good Night to All!
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Hi Ladies,  California is in a drought and we are having so much rain.  Here we are again in a thunderstorm watch until 3:00 pm.  It's overcast and very humid.  Sick of it!


Mocha,  It sounds like you have quite the vegetable garden which is so nice.  Nothing like organic, fresh veggies.  Hopefully, next year I can have a few vegetables on my deck again.


Hoping you all are having sunshine (send some our way).  Enjoy your day!

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Re: 60's thread for June!

good morning everyone, and happy monday!


gosh, that drink looks SO GOOD, puddles!  thanks for offering us this delectible delight!


martie: i do hope that you'll continue to stay safe ...  and i hope they will be successful in catching the inmates soon!!! 


kat, sounds like you are mastering the site, and i do appreciate your tips!  that rain must be driving you nuts by now!  keeping fingers crossed for a little sunshine your way.


helen, nice to hear that you had a lovely visit with your dd, and i'm sure your dh was appreciative! 


mocha, it's so nice that you have your hands into all of that geneology research.  although, i must admit, i would not be able to sit there pouring over details for hours like you do!


i am having a quiet, stay at home day today, and will shortly head to the kitchen to start a nice dinner for us.  other than that, all is good here, and i am enjoying the quiet.


hope you each have some kind of special come your way today!



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Re: 60's thread for June!

@SleeplessinSD: I forgot! They came home Sunday, but the LEXI has a very contagious viral illness called foot, and mouth disease. Can't see her mom or the baby. She seems ok one minute and then cries the next. Mostly, this is not new, but they are calling this "the new chicken pox." Her rash inside her mouth must be quite painful, according to the MD. We are glad we are here to help in any way possible.
@fantsy... Glad all is well with you.
@Standing at desk for work...sounds very dangerous... Hope you are ok❤️💕😍
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's thread for June!

loves, oh no. what's the treatment? I wonder how she got it. so strange. I hope she'll be better soon and that the baby is healthy. your pics with the new baby on FB are so sweet.

I had a quiet day at home too, Fancy. it's just too hot to do anything else right now. I spent another day mostly doing genealogy research and trying to piece this wild puzzle together. this could take a very long time, but that's OK because I enjoy it.

I drank 2 glasses of iced tea at supper last night and didn't get to sleep until about 2:30. so I'm winding down now and getting ready to relax before bedtime.

I hope all is well with everyone.

here's another Mississippi sunset for you.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!

LOVES...I'm so sorry to hear about Lexi. Poor baby! I'm sending prayers she'll feel better quickly. I's a blessing that you and your DH are there to help. I know you're so busy right now; we'll be waiting to hear whenever you can how things are going with Lucas and your DD too. ((Hugs))

MOCHAHONEY, maybe your tea had caffeine? Hopefully, you'll get a better nights sleep tonight. FANCY, I'm sure you enjoyed staying in and relaxing after your busy weekend; I hope you had a great day!

I'll probably be back late tomorrow after I get back from the hospital. Hope everyone had a good day....Good Night!