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@BoopOMatic wrote:

@qvcadditionThere's hope for me yet, just a quick post to report that I made some mayonnaise biscuits yesterday - from scratch - and they were actually good! LOL *Yahoo*  happy0005.gif

Good Morning Boop. I hope the weather is nice where you are.  Beautiful here today. Going to go into the 80's. Hot enough for me.  Did yard, front and back yesterday. Beautiful out there, but I keep it up, so I don't have to do too much. Just sweep the fallen leaves and trim and water.

Good for you with the biscuits.  Baby steps in cooking, so you don't get overwhelmed. I had a carcus left in freezer for when I roasted a chicken, so I made a chicken stew and Melanie loved it.  It was good.

Your biscuits would have been good with it.

Today, easy day.  I have to check the oil on my car and clean garage. Ugh.

Going to sit and write for about and hour or so on my life and old San Francisco. My son wants my history. I have been doing it for awhile.

You have a good day and enjoy your husband beening home.

I hope Liza OK.  hugs xo


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Hey @qvcaddition we are due for more rain this week; Mr. Boop can hardly keep up with the yard as it's been growing faster than he can mow it!

We are busy here; going to get a new storage building to move "stuff" out of here as we have much more coming from our other place (we are consolidating 2 households!)

Your book you're writing sounds so interesting! What a great idea your son had, to encourage you to write it.

That reminds me; I need to keep up with my journaling better! I've just been so busy, I don't want to sit down and take the time.

I am tired today. Liza wasn't feeling well last night and kept me up til 4 a.m. Maybe I can squeeze in a nap although I don't usually take naps.

I am really concerned about her but I don't know what else to do for her other than what I'm already doing. I just love her so much...I know you understand.

Well, errands to run so will close - have a great day xo


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I understand about the yard work. Once it is under control, I would spend just a few minutes everyday keeping it that way.  That is what I do everyday and all the flowers in bloom in front and back.

I am sorry about Liza, but you are doing the very best you can, the care and the love.  Yes, I truly understand. Starting to go through the same. I hold my breath everyday she eats her meals.  Melanie has slowed so much in her walking. She now walks me.  Will pull on her leash when she doesn't want her reg. walk and wants to go home, so our walks have shorten.

Take a nap when you can, you need your strength and she needs you to have it.  

Again , glad your Mr. Boop is with you. How is his dog doing?

When you get the chance, go on the Pet Lovers site and see the cute picture of the Older cat showing the new kitten how to go up the stairs.

It will make you smile. So cute.

Love and hugs. xo

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@qvcaddition You asked me the other day about my husband's dog, she's a daddy's girl and follows him around no matter where he goes! But I hear it's a "pug thing."

I ordered a red light laser treatment device for Liza; it should be here tomorrow. I'm hoping this will help with her back pain. It has good reviews!

 I shopped for living room furniture today and I must say, the prices are shocking. I told Mr. Boop we may have to get used to sitting on the floor - LOL.

 Not only that, but the "salesman" who waited on me today was high as a kite on something. I couldn't believe it.


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Re: @qvcaddition

[ Edited ]


@BoopOMatic wrote:

@qvcadditionYou asked me the other day about my husband's dog, she's a daddy's girl and follows him around no matter where he goes! But I hear it's a "pug thing."

I ordered a red light laser treatment device for Liza; it should be here tomorrow. I'm hoping this will help with her back pain. It has good reviews!

 I shopped for living room furniture today and I must say, the prices are shocking. I told Mr. Boop we may have to get used to sitting on the floor - LOL.

 Not only that, but the "salesman" who waited on me today was high as a kite on something. I couldn't believe it.


Hi Boop, this will be short. Had my 7th  Covid vaccine booaster today, and so far so good.  I never got any reactions before, so here's hoping none tonight.

As I mentioned before, my half sister's dog had the same problem. They, like you, took good care of the dog for two years. Never used the laser, but did a lot of other things.  Riley, the dog, went every where with them camping, just they had to carry him.  He had a good life like Liza. Lots of good care,, but a lot of work, like you are doing. They did not listen to the vet who told them to put the dog down.  The dog was still eating, just had to help him go to bathroom and drink water. Liza getting good care, so she should be around for awhile.  Your are a good momma.  It's hard on you and expensive, but we love them and they are helpless.

Take care.  Going to curl up and watch some TV.  Happy Mel ate good today. Hugs and love to all. xo

Everything sky high and servvice very poor in a lot of cases. No one wants to do their job or not trained.


Proverbs 12:10 "The Righteous one takes care of his domestic animals".

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 It's so difficult to say.

 I lost my girl.

 There was no other option, she was in so much pain. I don't know if I was all due to her back or if there was something else going on.

  I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on anybody.

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Oh Boop, I am so very, very sorry.  I know the pain you are feeling. My tears are for you and Liza, so very sorry.  I wish, I were with you to give you a human hug.  

When you are ready, I have a poem for you to look up, I made a copy.

It's about an animal in a lot of pain and asking the owner to please let them go, so they can be in peace and pain free.

While it still hurts, this poem is soothing.  When you are ready, I will send you the name so you can look it up on the computer and make a copy.

Liza is now pain free and running over "The Rainbow Bridge" ready to play.

My love and thoughts are with you, believe me.  I know, as do a lot of people who have lost a beloved pet, the agony you are going through.

Rest and be kind to yourself.  

I am glad you are not alone and Mr. Boop is with you.  I definity am with you in spirit.  God Bless, Liza has no more pain. xo hugs

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 I just want to be happy again.

 I wonder if I ever will be.

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@BoopOMatic wrote:

 I just want to be happy again.

 I wonder if I ever will be.

Boop. This will not take away the sadness, but maybe  will let you know you did the right thing.


THE LAST BATTLE.  Author unknown


If it should be that I grow frail and weak and pain should keep me from my sleep., then will you do what must be done, for this the last battle can't be won.

You will be sad, I understand, but don't let grief then stay your hand, for on this day, more than the rest, your love and friendship must stand the test. had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please let me go.

Take me to where my needs they'll tend, only stay with me till the end.

Hold me firm and speak to me, until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree

It is kindness you do for me

Although my tail it last to has waved,

From pain and suffering, I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you, who has to decide this thing to do

We've been so close we two these years

Don't let your heart hold any tears


Boop, I know how hard it is and don't look forward to it with Mel.

it takes time.  Let yourself cry and do whatever you can to rest. You had to let her go if she was in so much pain.  God Bless you. Take care xoxo

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Thank you! I'm happy to report I'm doing so much better today!

You know, I've been through a lot in my life but I've never had a feeling like that. Just absolute devastation and pain. The pain was so great and it was on my mind 24/7. I knew I couldn't go on like that...I wondered if I should get back on an anti-depressant....then I realized I had to get my mind right, and I wasn't capable. I prayed to God to touch my mind because I knew God was the only hope I had in this situation.


Some people would sneer and say "She was just a dog," not to me and not to my husband. She was a valued and important family member and losing her was like losing a part of me.


I knew God was the only answer and I asked Him to fix my mind, to set it right. He did, thank God.


At Mr. Boop's urging, I got another Frenchie puppy! I got a precious little boy named Enzo. He is so fun and smart. I've never had a puppy before. I always got retired adults. He sleeps with us and is very affectionate. I'm grateful to have him. xo