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"Notifications" STILL not working?

Has anyone had an update on the progress of fixing the "Notifications" upper right on page?  It appears it still isn't working.  I know I had one person mention me yesterday because I saw the pop up while I was online.


If the Moderators read this, pls notify the tekkies to pls fix this function.   TIA

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Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

I've been having problems for almost a week now.  I see others posting but it does not seem as if they intend on answering.  Maybe they are all on Xmas vacation.  It's not like the moderators to quickly try to help us get an issue solved.  I find it odd.

"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

Also, I can't see the heart count. 

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Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

@missy1  To give hearts?  I've seen this work for me.  To give & to receive.

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Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?




Like how many hearts I have total.

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Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

It's an on again/off again problem. I am sure they are aware of the problem and working on it as I am typing this post.




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Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

The moderators responded and said they were short handed because of the holiday.  The thread is in the suggestion box forum.

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Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

@GCR18 wrote:

The moderators responded and said they were short handed because of the holiday.  The thread is in the suggestion box forum.


This is thread which is in the Suggestion Box forum: Moderators - Notifications still being poofed again Intermittently (since Dec. 26th)


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?

[ Edited ]

WHOA! Weirdness!!!  My notifications just popped up!!!  I have 5.


And if this is an on/off thing I haven't noticed it until just a day or so ago.  At least it seems tekkies are aware.


Holy cow - Iposted this and away they went - now I have none.



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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: "Notifications" STILL not working?


@PINKdogWOOD @Karnerblue @missy1 @hckynutjohn and @GCR18, in the Moderators - Notifications still being poofed again Intermittently (since Dec. 26th) thread which is in the Suggestion Box forum, Keyai from QVC just shared the information below. -- bebe Smiley Happy


I just received an update that the techincal team has applied a fix to the notifications function. I am hoping the problem is now resolved.


Please let me know if you still experience any problems with viewing notifications.

