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  • It is hard to make a decision to let our family member go in peace. I think it would be harder to allow them to suffer. Sometimes, there is no coming back once they start going downhill. I have had three dogs and had to make a decision that broke my heart but to let them suffer needlessly I couldn't do. I tried all I could to save their lives but it didn't happen, so I let them go. Please allow your cat to go in peace and his suffering will be over. Too lose 13 lbs for a cat that weighed 16 lbs would be hard to watch them deteriorate with no hope. He will always remain in your heart. Let him cross the Rainbow Bridge. 
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The most loving thing you can do IS to let the animal go.


To keep an animal  "around" so you can be with it, is so unkind and selfish for the animal.


Your cat trusted you.  He is aware he is dying, every day living is suffering for him.  An animal has emotions too and he wants to go.


It is not about you, it is about your cat.


You love your cat, but you seem to love what you want first. 


A person who loves an animal will love the animal first.  To have kept him alive, living as he has, seems cruel and selfish.  He was not living, he was existing.


I am sorry for your cat.


I can not comprehend your actions.





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Wow!  I can't believe a few of the responses to the OP.  She is going through one of the most difficult decisions that a pet owner has to make and she is being judged.  In all of the years that I worked in veterinary medicine  I've seen this same heartbreaking situation happen many times over.  I would sit in the room with a client and watch them crying while saying that they felt awful that they had waited this long but they just couldn't bear to say goodbye.  We never judged!  We offered comfort and support.


When to make this decision is an extremely personal matter.  I also take exception to those who judge someone for not being able to remain with their pet during the euthanasia procedure.  I've had many people tell me that they don't want to remember their pet lying listless on the table.  They say their goodbyes in the room and then leave. That is also an extremely personal decision and no one should ever make any judgements on what someone chooses to do.  


With rare exceptions once a pet is brought into the back to be euthanized those who are involved comfort that animal and offer a kind word.  Many of us have known that pet from when it was a youngster to old age and we also feel the loss.  No veterinary hospital that I have worked at has ever treated euthanasia with a cavalier attitude. 


Sorry for going off on a tangent but I feel the pain that the OP is going through and she doesn't deserve to be judged.  

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isn't being unkind, in my opinion.   He is getting right to the point, in his upfront way.  I agree with much of what he had to say, while still being sorry for the situation the OP faces.  It's possible to see both sides of this sad situation. 

I can't imagine an adult cat only weighing  3 pounds.  Let the poor being go. 

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Registered: ‎09-12-2021
Dear, please be with your angel at this time, he needs you to be there with him, he will know your presence and will feel safe as he passes into his new journey. You will feel better knowing you were there to comfort him, I have been through this many times it is heartbreaking but they depend on us as they leave this existence..RIP sweet angel 🐈🌈
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With out reading, your baby is telling you it's time.  I would lovingly let him pass with help. He is in pain.

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@RollTide2008 wrote:

@hckynutjohn wrote:



I will make this short, for me anyways.


You say you love him, yet you are going to deny him having you with him, when he takes his last breath! He wants those that love him with him when he is not completely sure what is happening.


Cruel! The decision made by the 2 you mentioned, is the right decision. From the info you have posted here. What is cruel? You leaving your little loved one to go across The Bridge without the one he loves being with him.


Yes, my wife and I have been through this so many times, we don't even want to think about how many. Our loved ones were being held, by either my wife or myself, when they took their final breath. 


What you have said here tells any cat owner that has had to make this decision! It says: I am thinking of myself, not the one I say I love.


You are the one that is wrong. " Doesn't eat, drinks little water, went from 16lbs to 3lbs", and you don't get it? Wake up before it's too late. Maybe it is already!! 


If this is how much you say you love "cats"? Please do not get another one .


hckynut(john)🥅🏒 🇺🇸



Apparently you know about cruel because those are unnecassaily mean things to say to a stranger on the interwebs on a very stressful day for their family.

What he said is NOT CRUEL. Allowing a pet to drop so much weight is CRUEL. His comments were RIGHT ON.

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@Malcontent Bless you for the home and love you've given your cat all these years.  If your husband is taking him in, that's family to be with him at the end.  I know how empty the house will feel without him.  But he was loved and that's a precious gift.  

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@RollTide2008 wrote:

@hckynutjohn wrote:



I will make this short, for me anyways.


You say you love him, yet you are going to deny him having you with him, when he takes his last breath! He wants those that love him with him when he is not completely sure what is happening.


Cruel! The decision made by the 2 you mentioned, is the right decision. From the info you have posted here. What is cruel? You leaving your little loved one to go across The Bridge without the one he loves being with him.


Yes, my wife and I have been through this so many times, we don't even want to think about how many. Our loved ones were being held, by either my wife or myself, when they took their final breath. 


What you have said here tells any cat owner that has had to make this decision! It says: I am thinking of myself, not the one I say I love.


You are the one that is wrong. " Doesn't eat, drinks little water, went from 16lbs to 3lbs", and you don't get it? Wake up before it's too late. Maybe it is already!! 


If this is how much you say you love "cats"? Please do not get another one .


hckynut(john)🥅🏒 🇺🇸



Apparently you know about cruel because those are unnecassaily mean things to say to a stranger on the interwebs on a very stressful day for their family.





Almost everyone on this Bulletin Board is a stranger to me. In hindsight I could have used different words, and even left a few unsaid. 


As an animal loving family, and rescuers of many, it is hard for me to understand how certain people's minds function, when it comes to loving and caring for their animals.


It is always sad reading on these forums when someone loses one of their furry family members. Losing one, and having to "decide when"? Those are very different circumstances. 


I am sad that @Malcontent had to lose a member of her furry family, but!! How can any true animal lover read her story and not wonder what she could possibly have been thinking! 


Every vet we have used over many decades has always told us "it's up to you to know when it's time". When she said she didn't agree with her Vet when the Vet said "it's time", nor Hubbs? 


For me it's straight forward when I comment or reply to certain posts. When it comes to certain topics, those that are a big part of my life, I leave nobody guessing what I meant by what I said.


My family understands the grief of losing our furry loved ones. Last year we lost 3 of ours in less than 2 months. One died on her own, but it was only 3 weeks after we had her litter mate, her sister, euthanized. We feel she died of a broken heart because she had never been sick. All 3 of them were over 15 years old, the oldest was almost 20.


I hope @Malcontent can find some solace in her time of grief, and I wish her well.  🙏


hckynut 🇺🇸

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Registered: ‎08-01-2019

So very sorry you have to go thru this. We can manage so many things in the lives of our pets, but this is the one thing we can't change. Will be thinking of you.