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@Vivian, I think it is great that you are entering a new decade.  I also think it is wonderful that you are so active.


I am 61.  My parents both died at the age of 65 and that made me aware of the ticking clock.  I had a very high stress job and I deliberately retired at the age of 50 with my parents' clock in my head.  I am so glad I did.  


I count my life in months left.  It gives me perspective.  For some reason I am sure I will live longer than my parents but who knows?  I have buried three of my ten siblings (ALS, early onset Alzheimers and lung cancer) already.  As the eigth and youngest girl, I am pretty sure I will be tending to more family when the time comes.


I am grateful for each day and I surround myself with people who bring me joy.  


I have a very good friend who is very active at the age of 71.  She is my role model.  I hope I am as active as she is and you are.


Keep on dancing and have a wonderful birthday.  LM

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Happy Birthday, Vivian.  It's my birthday also. Will be 70 plus.

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Happy Birthday to you!  You have many happy years ahead of you.

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@Vivian I wish you a very happy Birthday dear lady! You sound awesome, energetic and vibrant!!! Heck I am 57 and if I could get out of this wheelchair I would dance with you and shake this booty I would!!! So there age is just a number and you have a great time. Well who says I cant do the wheelchair watoosee! LOL Happy birthday and many more!

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Re: Three score and ten

[ Edited ]

It's odd how some birthdays hit us. The only one that got to me was my 26th! Suddenly, I was on the "wrong" side of 25 and close to the "dreaded" 30. I can't explain why that bothered me. When I turned 65 a year ago, it didn't faze me because I don't think of myself as that old, but I don't mind it, fight it, or lie about my age. I am happy on every birthday, but I totally understand that one birthday can affect you more than another. 70 is not old, especially for someone like you who goes to dance class. I feel good if I get on my Exercycle for 20-39 minutes. In the summer, I swim every day.

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When my DH turned 70 it seemed to hit him hard as well. 

A good frend who was the same age as my Mother once told me to really enjoy my 60's as they were the best time of her life - not having to work but still young enough to enjoy doing things. I think that statement could apply to your 70's now a days.People are living full lives for much longer. So have a great birthday tomorrow.

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Happy Birthday and may you be blessed with many more plus good health. Remember it's just a number, live the age you want to be (((HUGS)))

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Happy birthday, Vivian.  It's a pleasure to read your posts.  Yes, 70 is going to bug me, too!  Hope you had a great day!




~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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I went to Zumba and then a weight lifting class today. Being able to get through all that made me realize that age is just a number. I'm still a dancing fool. My Zumba instructor told me that I'm very graceful. That made my day. I'm OK with 70.