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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

@viva923 trying to be a good person makes this old world a better place!💞

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

[ Edited ]

I don’t feel any different physically, except for knee pain,  than I did when I was in my 20’s and 30’s.  But I have matured mentally with age.


I know that looks, money, status and stuff that I acquired doesn’t  really mean anything.  It’s not important.  The really great stuff in life is relationships and how we interact with people including those in our family and friends 


I feel more alive than ever when I am needed and helpful.  Even small acts of kindness make me feel good inside.  When I feel better, I am more cheerful and less negative. Since I am retired, I have more time for others and I don’t feel overworked.  I have more time for me and my family too.


i used to complain a lot.  I am trying to be a more positive person. I think it helps with overall physical and mental health.


Many things that used to bother me, don’t anymore.  I think I’ve mellowed.


I’ll be 64 in a few weeks and I think this is the best stage of my life so far. I am trying not to waste it.  It is a gift to be alive.

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

@catwhispererI was lucky enough to get some help and was able to over come a lot of the insecurities and trust issues I had as a child and young adult. I guess we all deal with what life deals us the best we can. Some are able to survive and thrive, some not so much. Glad you survived and the best to you.

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

I had surgery in January and everything went well. I have started to exercise and feel it is helping me in many ways. My doctor says he is optimistic about me and says he is a pessimist. That alone makes me feel good. 

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

Born in 1956!   I had a fabulous childhood.   Fell in love when I was 19.   He was it for me.   We broke up when I was 21.   I was not it for him.   I dove head first into the disco days, had tons of fun.   Love never died.   Later, in my 30's I met and married my husband of 17 years.   We had a lot of fun and I thought, finally, I have a partner to live life with.   No, I was his ball and chain.   Still mad at myself for putting myself through everything he did to me.   Not parting from him a long time ago.   One  Christmas I ran into my true love's mother in Sears and she told me that he was married with a son.   I said a prayer to God to bless him and his family and if he could, let me see him again one day when we go to heaven.   I have never dated again after my divorce.   But glad to know that I had love and didn't live not knowing what it was.      I wish that I could go back in time and change wasted time.   I work full time, laugh a lot, cause a lot of laughter, stick close to my sisters and their families.   Just want to be happy, live alone with my dogs, and see what each day brings.   I have a normal and peaceful life now, and I still love.  Heart   

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

@Sweet Caroline 1 thank you for sharing, and may YOU be blessed. - Solar1

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

[ Edited ]



I feel best when I’m in balance physically, mentally and spiritually. For mean, that means eating nourishing foods, exercise, spending time outdoors in nature and reading/doing uplifting things.   

Has this answer changed with the years?


No, but I’m more aware of it now.   

What do you feel is the importance of your life?


Helping others. 

What philosophies have you adopted?


Not a new philosophy; however, I have a better understanding of it through life experience – what we do to others we do to ourselves.  We might not see it right away but eventually it will happen. It’s made me much more careful of what I say and do.

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

"What makes me feel good about myself"? The way my dh looks at me.  Heart

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

That I am healthy at 62 and don't look my age without having any surgery...

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Re: Those Over 60: What makes you *feel good* about yourself?

I figure that I'm doing well because I'm still alive and well.  I don't need external sources to feel good.  I'm ok just the way I am and I'll have fun and enjoy life.