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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

Yes your food is safe.  Probably more safe now that restaurants are putting more measures in Place.  Those businesses need us right now to support them.


Per the World Health Organization


The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. 


It is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment).

If you think a surface may be infected, clean it with simple disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself and others. Clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.


Once you pick up your food, wash your hands after touching bags or boxes to be sure.

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

I do so daily.  Still here w/o so much as a sniffle.    My Super Supreme pizza will arrive in 15 minutes from Pizza Hut.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ‎08-30-2010

Re: Take out/delivery safe???

We did pizza take out.

There are some places that I might not do but others I do not think I would have a problem doing take out.


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Registered: ‎12-14-2018

Re: Take out/delivery safe???

We’re still using take out (while we can). There is talk it will be discontinued any day now.

I’m sticking with restaurants I know and love.

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

So far we've done takeout 3 times. Once at McDonald's, a local steakhouse, a local Mexican restaurant and I got a great deal from Olive Garden which I'll use this week. I have no problems. I don't eat out of the container. We divide the food up and eat on plates and wash our hands. 

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

Re: Take out/delivery safe???

According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta the virus doesn't live or grow on food.
 We do a lot of delivery & takeout. I cook about half the time. Right now food & alcohol are all we have to make us feel better.I'm not about to give up either. 

  We do the best we can as far as staying inside ,hand washing & disinfecting.We are miserable enough.The rest is up to God.

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

I have been ordering take out, since this started and no problems here.  I do not worry about take out/delivery any more than I worry about the people in the grocery store stocking shelves, or the butcher slicing meat  or the baked goods at the bakery.  If I worried about every single situation, I would be totally incapacitated.  And having said that, I tend to be an anxious worrier!  

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Registered: ‎02-05-2018

Re: Take out/delivery safe???

@sarahpanda , look for an article titled "How You Should Get Food During the Pandemic" from The Atlantic. I found it very helpful.


Last night I ordered takeout. Before it arrived, I laid out an assembly line of containers to store the food in and some spoons to scoop food from one container into another, I I opened the dishwasher, and set out a cardboard box as a pedestal.


I received the bag and set it on the cardboard box pedestal. I opened each container and scooped the contents out of the delivery container and into my own - the delivery container went straight into the trash. (You can also put plastic into the dishwasher - mine were cardboard.) Once all the food was put into new containers and all the containers were disposed of, I put all of the scooping spoons into the open dishwasher. I disposed of the bag and the box I'd set it on - both into the trash. They put plastic utensils in the bottom of the bag and I dumped it all into the trash, per the advice I'd read.


Then I washed my hands for 20 seconds, put the food I wanted to eat onto a plate I microwaved for a minute or two, put the rest in the fridge,  and sat down to eat.

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

We have not had any take out. Our local meat market does have pork tenderloin on Tues, Smoked Whole chickens & breasts on Weds. pulled pork on Thurs & smoked baby back ribs on Sat. We have ate these items. Eating leftover ribs tonight.

They now have a waiting line outside since only 5-6 people in at a time.

We don't have any problems getting what we want since the owner said we were one of his best customers. He has had a lot of new customers with other places not having hamburger etc in stock.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 753
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Take out/delivery safe???

We got Chinese carryout over the weekend.  I will say I wiped each container with a sanitizing wipe as I took it out of the bag.  But, I also wiped all my groceries when I unpacked them.  I rather err on the side of caution.