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I would like to know how safe take out & delivery is at this stressfull virus time?  What if the cooks have the virus and don't know it? Any thoughts?

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

We've used takeout. I pick up my food, come home and wash my hands.

I can't worry about all the what if's in the world. 

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

It's about as safe as it's always been.



It's the only way to keep restaurants in business, and people to have jobs, so that the economy doesn't get worse, and have unemployment grow.

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

CDC & WHO websites are a great resource!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,387
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Take out/delivery safe???

This question was asked on the Today show yesterday heat kills the virus and if you are at all scared heat the item for 30 seconds in the microwave and you should be fine

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

We've been doing take-out--it's safe.


If you are nervous about it, take the food out of the take-out container, put it on a microwave safe plate and microwave the food---that should kill any virus germs if they are there.


God bless!

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

I would still worry about take-out/delivery!  I know we are all suppose to help to keep the restaurants from closing down but we don't do it at the present time.

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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

It's as safe as the people who prepare it are careful about their sanitation.  If a place doesn't look clean, I pass.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

@I am still oxox wrote:

This question was asked on the Today show yesterday heat kills the virus and if you are at all scared heat the item for 30 seconds in the microwave and you should be fine

@I am still oxox    A few seconds, like 30, in the micro isn't going to kill anything in a mealsize portion.  I heard that report too.  It's the packaging I'd be most worried about.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Take out/delivery safe???

@sarahpanda -

I've been thinking about that too.

I guess to be more safe, I wouldn't but sometimes, you just think, ah heck, I'm going to and hope it will be ok.😬

I've heard the risk is low but advice was to take it out of the box or container, transfer it to a plate. Throw the box away and wash your hands well.

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