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Re: Someone getting free cable

Maybe you could tell the person whose cable is being pirated. After all, they are the one's being affected. Then it's up to them. For all you know they might have given their permission.

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: Someone getting free cable

@reiki604 wrote:

Maybe you could tell the person whose cable is being pirated. After all, they are the one's being affected. Then it's up to them. For all you know they might have given their permission.

My first thought - the reason the neighbor is allowing it is exactly bc cable is so high and bc the two of them may be splitting the cost so he may not care but I'd wonder about renting movies online, wifi slowing down, etc.  I'd handle it truly anonymously - I like the "send a snail mail letter".  If the family pirating the signal is stupid enough to brag about it, you are prob not the only one they are telling.

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Re: Someone getting free cable



Only if I found a wire outside my house leading to their house.  I wouldn't presume to know what the neighbors are doing.  





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Re: Someone getting free cable

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Re: Someone getting free cable

[ Edited ]

@Leiloni wrote:

Sorry, no way would I report them. I pay thru the nose every month for their criminal prices, anyone smart enough to get over on them will get an applause from me! 

People who steal cable are one of the reasons your cable bills go up, so appaluding them because you're getting charged too much does not make much sense.

When I found out my cable cutting friends pirated Game of Thrones, I did not report them, I called them out on their behavior and let them know that when they get Game of Thrones "for free," it's because people like me are paying for it. I don't need them to be fined or to go to jail, I need them to know that I KNOW and that I'm one of the people hurt by their actions. Have fun letting that bounce around your head while you watch dragons. Their own guilt stopped them after that and a year later, HBO solved the problem by letting people subscibe to HBO Go without a cable company or expensive package.

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Re: Someone getting free cable

hard to believe they are bragging about free cable if they are stealing it from a neighbor!
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Re: Someone getting free cable

@lovesrecess wrote:
hard to believe they are bragging about free cable if they are stealing it from a neighbor!

@lovesrecess  Makes me wonder what has happened to our country.  It is very very sad.

Posts: 49
Registered: ‎05-31-2017

Re: Someone getting free cable

@lovesrecess wrote:
hard to believe they are bragging about free cable if they are stealing it from a neighbor!


It's  a twisted set of value system imho. Some people think it's funny or clever to break the law and not get caught.


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Re: Someone getting free cable

After reading through these postings on this thread it reminds me of a wise sage (my DMIL) used to say. Take care of the little things and the big thisgs take care of themselves. At the time I was a bit flumoxed by this comment until I read about NYCs broken window techniques law enforcement initiative. Which actually espoused the same concept.