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Trend of drinking coffee on the air

Has anyone else noticed a trend of hosts, vendors and news anchors drinking coffee on live TV ? I find it very strange. My local news anchors keep mugs of coffee on their desks and even take sips of it on the air. Last week I saw Andrew Lessman on the air presenting his vitamins with a big white mug of coffee and then over the weekend David Venable was drinking on air.

I find it unusual that companies don't frown in this behavior. When I was a bank teller in the 1960s, the staff was not permitted to drink beverages at their window. Coffee breaks were to be taken during a designated set time. It seems strange that so many employees have gotten so lax today.
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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

Anything goes today, professionalism and decorum is dead in just about any line of work today. The bottom line is money and are you bringing it in for us.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

I think when people do a lot of talking their throat gets dry so they need to drink something. A lot of times it is only water in the mug. I do not see anything wrong with it.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

@CLHS68 wrote:

I think when people do a lot of talking their throat gets dry so they need to drink something. A lot of times it is only water in the mug. I do not see anything wrong with it.

I agree with you. 

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

[ Edited ]

i   heard  Anderew Lessman said he does not drink coffee in the  eve. he sips his herbal teas or green tea o the air with Collleen or the other hosts.


 ..David says he drinks water.


With all the talking the Host's has to do I don't blame  them.


David says he drinks coffee in the a.m at home.


All the Hosts,when you  think about how much talking they do a in  a hour or more on a show,they get thirsty .

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

Most of the time there is only water in the mug.  I don’t find it strange at all.


We are no longer in the 60’s...thank goodness.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

LOL!  How do you know that's coffee in their mug?


and...public speakers traditionally keep a beverage within reach to soothe their throat.

May be out of sight ... but within easy reach.


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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air


This "trend" is nothing new. Many TV personalities drink coffee/tea on the air or a least have a mug sitting on the desk. I don't find this unusual at all.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

[ Edited ]

@Reever wrote:
Has anyone else noticed a trend of hosts, vendors and news anchors drinking coffee on live TV ? I find it very strange. My local news anchors keep mugs of coffee on their desks and even take sips of it on the air. Last week I saw Andrew Lessman on the air presenting his vitamins with a big white mug of coffee and then over the weekend David Venable was drinking on air.

I find it unusual that companies don't frown in this behavior. When I was a bank teller in the 1960s, the staff was not permitted to drink beverages at their window. Coffee breaks were to be taken during a designated set time. It seems strange that so many employees have gotten so lax today.


Television is completely different than working in a bank.  I have a history in other occupations, but I've worked in television for a long time.  The entertainment business is not like other industries in many, many ways.


QVC tries to create an atmosphere in which viewers see hosts and vendors as their friends.  Casually drinking from a cup goes along with that, especially drinking coffee in the morning since the assumption is that many viewers are doing the same.  It's deliberate.


As for news anchors, networks also want to keep an air of familiarity.  It's very common to have mugs (often filled with water) on the desk as well as bottles filled with water underneath.  There are many practical and sensible reasons for this.


Even without knowing all of that, I don't see how someone on television taking a sip from a cup every now and then could possibly be offensive.

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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

I think I've seen coffee mugs on the desks of news people for years. 


I've never given it a second thought.  I see absolutely nothing unprofessional or wrong about it.


If they were drinking bourbon, maybe, but geez, some coffee, tea or water?  Who cares?  Why would you care?