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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

The only thing I'm sick of is the endless petty rants.

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

@freakygirl wrote:

the simple fact is, not everyone is built the same way. some are capable, and others have a more difficult time getting things done. not everyone's superpower is multi tasking. 

That's true too....that's why I have to take my friend as she is, and work it out somehow, not take it personally.

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

If these "Bizzy Moms" of the Q sales pitch are so incredibly busy what are they doing watching a TV shopping show?  That doesn't make sense.  

I agree with the OP, when I look back I don't know how I managed all the things I did.  Makes me tired just thinking of that whirlwind of my life back then.

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

Well, you seem to think that you were busier than anyone else! 

No one's time is more valuable than someone else's- YES, it's annoying. 

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

@manny2 "I agree with her since most of the stuff many are busy with is self imposed."


I agree with you.  I am tired of people who choose certain lifestyles constantly complaining that they are busy and stressed out all the time. 

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

OP,  I think we,of the baby boomer generation, thought we had to do it all. I retired almost 2 years ago.  I went to the doctor before retiring and found out I have high blood pressure.  Now I'm trying to slow myself down and not do so much.  I may think the "kids" today do not know what busy is, lol!  But they have so many other stresses going on, that I try not to compare. Now is our time to enjoy life!

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

I think some are very busy,if they work,have kids , they would be busy,but there are those that use this as a excuse.

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

It's very easy to look at someone else's life and make assumptions about it.  It is also very wrong.


People would look at the life we lived working and assume we had it easy.  But they didn't see the long hours we had at difficult jobs, or the calls in the night husband got almost every day at 2 a.m.


We had long commutes to work, put in hard days, and came home and cooked and did chores.  People didn't see the travel my husband had and how that impacted us, the bookeeping and problems we dealt with for our parents and relatives, or the taxing difficult weekends we went to see them and help out and the mental distres of dealing with them.


You never know what someone else's life is really like.  You don't have their worries, their money issues, or their time issues. 

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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

Wow, am I the only one happy with their life? There is so much complaining on here its almost unreadable.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Sick of hearing how busy everyone is,,,busy moms etc....

@ID2 "Wow, am I the only one happy with their life? There is so much complaining on here its almost unreadable."


Yes, I am happy with my life.  I don't see this thread as complaining just making observations.  Happy, shiny people can make observations.Smiley Wink