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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

[ Edited ]

But @catwhisperer  Really, I’m not kidding when I say if I can do “it” anyone can!


You have no idea how “ challenged” I am...when I leave a place or building I always go the wrong way, always.  I have absolutely no sense of direction.  If I don’t get something, I get frustrated.....but I’ll calm down and keep trying...don’t give up.  The satisfaction one feels when you get it done is wonderful.


From the time I was married I spent a lot of time alone.  My late husband worked two jobs and went to college for years.  We didn’t have children ( on purpose) for 7 years.  


I learned to manage and do things for myself.  Later, he traveled to places we were developing.  I did it all.  I learned to fix things in the house, you name it.


My point is, I’ll bet money you can do anything you set our mind to....just don’t give up.  I’ll get upset, throw fits but it doesn’t matter because it’s just me...and Bill the cat can’t tell on me!  Ha!


Please don’t just “drop out”.  If you lived near me I’d come over and the two of us would do “it”.  


Life is is too short not to enjoy every bit of it.  When you try one thing and complete it, you feel so good.  In a lot of places libraries will help you with things.  


If you buy something at places like Best Buy, they will often help you if you go when they aren’t busy.


Please reconsider and try just one new thing and then you’ll see the sky is the limit.


Look, I’m a Dufus.  If I can use this pointer finger so can you.😻

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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

Not sure the reason some want to chastise those who make different choices.   If there are some who choose not to embrace new technology and seek help when they need it so be it.  I am sure most here would seek help if they needed to rewire their house or rebuild a car engine.  Everyone has a skill set and comfort zone.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

@SeaMaiden  Agree with you 1000%!!!!  I do not see technology necessarily making life easier or better as one poster mentioned.  I do like the internet and email.  Do not have a smart phone and am not on any "social media." 


Since moving to Chicago do not own a car.  The last one we rented required an engineering degree to operate.


My greatest fear is that it will be necessary to have a smart phone and other high tech items to survive.  But so far I've lived almost 70 years without all the gadgets and am very happy without them.



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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.



Still laughing at your comments!


We just got a new car to replace our limping-along Tahoe.


It is keyless and has all the bells and whistles on the dash.  I am still reaching for the gear shift and keysCat LOL


I've decided I can get where I need to be and will just learn it a little at a time.

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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.



I'm surprised someone so young has refused to at least learn basic technology.


When I started working, electric typewriters were NEW!  I got a correcting Selectric, and thought I was in heaven.


As years went by I was asked/forced to learn word processing.  When they first started, I was sent to a weeks training to learn the Xerox 860 with a big floppy disc.


While I never became a whiz kid on everything, I tried to keep up so I could get by.  It was never easy.


I'm still challenged, but know enough to keep in touch by text or email and a few other things.  


I understand the reluctance to immerse oneself in the newest, but some of it really does make life a bit easier.


My sister-in-law (younger than me) REFUSES to text or email or use GPS.  Scoffs at the very idea.


Ok, then.  Have it your way.

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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

@kaydee50 wrote:

  Agree with you 1000%!!!!  I do not see technology necessarily making life easier or better as one poster mentioned.  I do like the internet and email.  Do not have a smart phone and am not on any "social media." 


Since moving to Chicago do not own a car.  The last one we rented required an engineering degree to operate.


My greatest fear is that it will be necessary to have a smart phone and other high tech items to survive.  But so far I've lived almost 70 years without all the gadgets and am very happy without them.



You underestimate you ability. If you can run a computer, you can run a smartphone. You will find help online at YouTube or using a Google search.

I hope you are using a flip phone. 

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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.


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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

Not sure the reason some want to chastise those who make different choices.   If there are some who choose not to embrace new technology and seek help when they need it so be it.  I am sure most here would seek help if they needed to rewire their house or rebuild a car engine.  Everyone has a skill set and comfort zone.


If you knew a perfectly capable person who refused to learn to read, would you question that?  In today's world, computer illiteracy is almost as debilitating.  Not everyone needs to be an expert. Asking for help is a good thing, but  basic knowledge is a necessity.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

Apply logic and use tools.  That's all it is, to me.  Circumvent obstacles to better results.


I learned long ago that there were people around me who had everything in hand to live "the best" life, and consistently chose the worst of the best.  I decided to strive for other.  There's my rant, @house_cat .  (strictly my viewpoint, of course)

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Rant - technology is not going to go away.

@mac116 wrote:

My MIL passed away last year at 90 years old.  She always had the latest and greatest computer and cell phone. She paid her bills and did her banking online until she was 88, then asked my husband to do it because she was afraid that she would make a mistake.  When we would marvel at her being so tech savvy, she would say, "I don't want the world to pass me by." She learned by asking a friend of a neighbor for help if she couldn't figure things out on her own.

@mac116 And what an amazing world your 90 yr old Mother In Law saw! The Greatest Generation saw it All! Sounds like she was amazing.