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Last night I stir-fried some veggies and later an a very...unpleasant result. My guess is that the peanut oil I used had been sitting out too long and was--I hate this word..."rancid".


(Even though this it was a very unpleasant evening it sure made me thankful for indoor plumbing.)

If my eyeballs had splashed down into the bowl I wouldn't have been surprised. Whew...what a night!

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Re: Oh, my stomach!

[ Edited ]

It could also have been some contaminant on the veggies.  Rarely does a week go by we don't hear of a recall on some produce. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Could have been totally innocuous if you consumed more cruciferous veggies at one time than your body wanted.

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@FLgardener wrote:

Could have been totally innocuous if you consumed more cruciferous veggies at one time than your body wanted.

Yes, I agree with everyone but this was my first thought, what this poster said.


I'm a veggie fanatic.  Oh, not because it's good for you and all that but when I was a wee tot I just went into raptures for spinach and broccoli and all kinds of other veggies but was not quite taken on with meat.


Anyway, you mentioned peanut oil.  That is a good oil for stir fry sort of geared towards Chinese stir fry and that may be too heavy.  BUT...I ate a whole platter of broccoli a few times and had pain.  No, PAIN!  I sat up and rubbed my back a while and I could feel everything moving down....aaaahhhh!!   Smiley Happy  If you hit your system with tons of fiber that's like this poster said, it can give you trouble.  Some are used to it.  I can eat a decent amount but still, if I go over the limit, I get tagged.  Wow, I'm really sorry that happened to you.  Where are my manners?  I know it must have been awful.  I assume and seriously hope you're feeling better. XXOO

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Hope your gut is feeling better today.  


Thanks to food allergies and food intolerance, I know exactly what your evening was like, and it's not pleasant.  In all honesty, the healthier the food, the more my body hates it!   I think I could lick water out of a puddle in a parking lot and be fine, but my body absolutely hates orange juice!

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@RedTop wrote:


Hope your gut is feeling better today.  


Thanks to food allergies and food intolerance, I know exactly what your evening was like, and it's not pleasant.  In all honesty, the healthier the food, the more my body hates it!   I think I could lick water out of a puddle in a parking lot and be fine, but my body absolutely hates orange juice!

A few years ago, a lady was explaining to me that she could only tolerate processed food. Her diet was quite the opposite of what we consider "healthy."

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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

does peanut oil go bad?I've had a bottle of olive oil and crisco for monthes.i still use them and never had a problem.sorry for you being sick.i hope you are better today.take care

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Gotta wash all produce well days!  I use a dash of dish soap too- 

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@Skyegirl21 wrote:

Gotta wash all produce well days!  I use a dash of dish soap too- 

@Skyegirl21  ... I wash all my fruits & vegetables {except broccoli} with dawn before I prepare/eat them  🙃😊

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

@On It 

My system actually does better with processed foods, so I well understand your comment.