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@CrazyDaisy wrote:

Of course you have a choice.  There are precautions that can be taken so people can safely do normal things.  Shame people have been convinced it is not an option, but fear is a powerful tool.


@CrazyDaisy   I do not act out of fear. I prefer to use common sense and listen to the advice of health professionals. 

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We are pretty much normal in Arizona. We go out and eat at restaurants inside (few restaurants do outside and it's won't be cool enough until November to eat outside) Almost everything is open, most have restrictions as to number of people but still other than going to large events my life is pretty much the same as before. We are traveling to California next month. Don't have kids or grandkids but I do miss getting together with friends who refuse to leave their house except for trips to the store or Home Depot. But other than that we haven't had that much change. 

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@Shanus wrote:


@CrazyDaisy wrote:

Of course you have a choice.  There are precautions that can be taken so people can safely do normal things.  Shame people have been convinced it is not an option, but fear is a powerful tool.


@CrazyDaisy   I do not act out of fear. I prefer to use common sense and listen to the advice of health professionals. 

@ShanusI'm confused.  From your first post, I am assuming your family is local and you are having outdoor visits with them now.  I understand your concern with the weather changing you will not be able to continue these outdoor visits. 


But, (and I may be mistaken here), aren't you the one who just did a makeup application on a stranger you met in Nordstroms?  I would think you would be more cautious of inviting a stranger into your home or workplace than your family.

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Winston Churchill frase - „If you're going through hell, keep going.“ |  Citazioni e frasi celebri

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When I saw the hospital health care workers in Wisconsin on the news pleading with people to follow the rules, saying they felt unsupported and in some instances the object of anger, I could have cried. These young people are  risking their lives and those of their families to serve their community. To me it is disgraceful and a real statement about just how self centered we have become as a society.


I have spoken at length about my son and dil's experience in NY last spring dealing with "the beast" as they called it and as I see the numbers starting to creep up here again, I have a hard time trying to be optimistic. 


I know people's views are set in stone but I often wonder to those who disregard the restrictions, "Do you think you should receive hospital care should you become ill during a surge when the system is barely holding?" You would be depriving another person of their chance to live when they did everything they could to be responsible. 



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@Shanus wrote:


@CrazyDaisy wrote:

Of course you have a choice.  There are precautions that can be taken so people can safely do normal things.  Shame people have been convinced it is not an option, but fear is a powerful tool.


@CrazyDaisy   I do not act out of fear. I prefer to use common sense and listen to the advice of health professionals. 

Common sense will tell you and health care professionals know that a persons mental health is just as important as physical health.  

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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@Travone   The decision to only see my grandchildren in an outdoor environment was made by my son and daughter in law. I abide by that. 

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[ Edited ]

@CrazyDaisy   My mental health is fine considering what's going on. I'm sure, though, others are suffering terribly. 

Perhaps it's best to make decisions for yourself and let others do the same.

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[ Edited ]

The arrogant folks with their flippant attitudes are ruining it for those who are doing what is right and following the guidelines. Sadly, many only care about themselves and are very selfish.  When you see people who are planning on celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends like it is no big deal I think many are in for a big surprise. 


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It is what it is.  I do not over think it.  Whenever I feel a pity party coming on (and it happens) because I have to wear mask or horrors wash my hands a lot....I step back and remind myself about how fortunate I have been.  Everyone I know and love is healthy.  No one has come down with the virus or tested positive.  We all have our jobs, no one has missed so much as an hour of pay.  We live in a state that has handled the pandemic as well as any state could have.  I'm very thankful that my nephew, his wife and and their darling daughter are with us.  They were hear to get a fresh start and save some money but Covid 19 has kept them here much longer and that has been a joy and a blessing.  Sky distance learning and I sometimes I can hear it from my office; I am thankful that our state and our local school system had the funds to set up such an amazing system.  The kids are learning differently but they are learning.  I work for a hospital so I am reminded that some people and families have to deal with Covid 19 along with cancer, leukemia, brain tumors, heart transplants, serious orthopedic problems, deaths in their families.  It's not at all hard for me to stay optimistic.  Sure, I want to get back to my normal life but I am confident that I some point.  I am also happy and thankful for social media and Zoom and Amazon and Uber Eats and Door Dash and all the other apps that have kept me safe, connected, entertained and fed.