When I saw the hospital health care workers in Wisconsin on the news pleading with people to follow the rules, saying they felt unsupported and in some instances the object of anger, I could have cried. These young people are risking their lives and those of their families to serve their community. To me it is disgraceful and a real statement about just how self centered we have become as a society.
I have spoken at length about my son and dil's experience in NY last spring dealing with "the beast" as they called it and as I see the numbers starting to creep up here again, I have a hard time trying to be optimistic.
I know people's views are set in stone but I often wonder to those who disregard the restrictions, "Do you think you should receive hospital care should you become ill during a surge when the system is barely holding?" You would be depriving another person of their chance to live when they did everything they could to be responsible.