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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)

FB, texting, emails haven’t helped finding or keeping friends. Even the ones you’ve made, barely see their face or hear their voice...don’t have to...The other ways are faster and less personal.


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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)

More people are into their cell phones then humans.  

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)

I hesitate to ask anyone to lunch because so many are on special diets or have to eat at a certain time.  


I have many friends for chats but not any deep friendships.  My best friend moved to NC and we keep in touch. 

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)


More people are into their cell phones then humans.  



@Blingqueen023  I agree. Look at any table in a restaurant, more people are checking phones for emails than speaking to each other...husbands and wives, too. Quite sad commentary.


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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)


I hesitate to ask anyone to lunch because so many are on special diets or have to eat at a certain time.  


I have many friends for chats but not any deep friendships.  My best friend moved to NC and we keep in touch. 



@Zhills  I have a few “friends” on special diets. I just let them decide which restaurant and time. Beggars can’t be choosers, right?

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)


More people are into their cell phones then humans.  

So true!


My BFF of some 25 yrs sent me a txt message on Mother's Day. I was stunned. Like seriously?! Her comment to me is "I only FB now".


So much for the Hallmark card and phone calls we've exchanged over the years. 


Sadly, some peoplle's worlds are only virtual.

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)



More people are into their cell phones then humans.  

So true!


My BFF of some 25 yrs sent me a txt message on Mother's Day. I was stunned. Like seriously?! Her comment to me is "I only FB now".


So much for the Hallmark card and phone calls we've exchanged over the years. 


Sadly, some peoplle's worlds are only virtual.

@Snowpuppy  😏

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)

My husband is my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him. I've always had girlfriends, but it seemed once our kids grew up we grew apart. I never really discussed anything too personal with them because I was afraid they would betray me. Also, I did not like that they wanted to talk about s-x, I told them that for me it was private. When I volunteered for the Red Cross I had male friends, but it was more trouble than it was worth, if you know what I mean. I did have a few really nice older women friends in my 50's, but one moved away and the other got cancer and died. I agree with the other ladies that it is harder to make friends as we age, but like others I do start up conversations with ladies in line at the checkout, people can be very friendly.Helen Bach, I would maybe start there and hopefully you will click with someone. Also, come here and chat with us, I can tell you we always do not agree with each other, but it's a safe place.

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)

@Helen Bachwrote:

Wow!  Thanks everyone for answering so quickly.  It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one.

#1.  I walk my dog every day in the park.  People are  afraid of him (a lab/pit) and he's not very friendly to other dogs, so the dog park is out.  He's not a scary dog, he's a wiggle butt

#2.  I do volunteer at the food bank, and it's a busy job.  The other workers are retired single men on the make or Christian women who offer to pray for me

#3.  I made a lasagna for my neighbor when he came home from surgery. That's what we do in Ohio.  He thought I was in the Witness Protection Program and told me to take my noodles and go

#4.  I joined a gym.Closed  Cliques from way back.  I am as nice as I can be, so so so nice.  I guess they can smell the needy desparation oozing from my pores.

#5.  My friends from Ohio and Los Angeles are quick to laugh and just 'get me'.  I obviously have MS so I'm "weird" but I smile all the time, even working out.

@Helen Bach  Just reading the above Helen, I love you already! 😄 You need to write a book or something.....👍

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Re: No friends, but I want one (or more!)


I've tried it ALL after relocating here for my spouse who convinced me this was "paradise"!  For him YES, he golfs 5 days/week and really never had many friends (just work and they moved here). They have either moved or died over the past 2 years which seems to be the NORM lately in this community.


Believe me I've made alot of "acquantainces" but nothing like the friendships I left behind!  


I volunteered, taught a class, gym, etc. what keeps my sanity is I love the pool and beach.  I'm very social so I make friends while I'm out and about - just some socialization.   I travel alone, I drive everywhere and anywhere, I like to venture -- 


I spend many days at the pool where there is always someone there to chat with or with a good book.  Of course, living in FL the weather is always nice so not stuck inside.


Living in a over- 55 gated community there is always something to do, if you want.  Lots of activities if you want to join.  I don't golf and I'm much younger than the people who live here -- so yes, I'm that "square peg!"because I really don't have much in common with most the ladies considering I'm 20-25 years younger!  Although, everyone is friendly they just aren't looking for friendships which I thought would come easy.   The kind you can pick up the phone and say 'hey want to do lunch?'.  


I'm so glad someone told me about NextDoor because there is always something being posted for things to do!  Last weekend I went to a Italian festival - enjoyed just walking around & eating some authentic italian food!  


@Helen Bach  believe me you are not alone!  



 I could have written my version of this.  Philly suburbs for 16 years and have no close friends.   We've done everything mentioned here.  I have women I have lunch with but 'we' don't have couples to do things with.   Most have family here and spend most of their time with the kids and grandkids.   Not one person I feel like I can call and say 'let's go shopping' or what ever.   So, we're moving in the fall.