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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

You can educate ignorance but dumb is forever.

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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

[ Edited ]


Yikes.  I don't know to whom you are referring after reading posts so I just want to say - I didn't call anyone an idiot nor would I approach.  We are treading in unknown waters and lots of conjecture.  We can only do our best at deciding best for most.  My opinion is that individuals who knowingly flurt with danger and don't expose others are entitled to live their lives.  When they knowingly endanger others, I believe the label of selfish and irresponsible is warranted. But I would not aporoach.  

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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

[ Edited ]

I run into quite a few of them on social media calling it "freedom of choice."  They have been out and about throughout this.   


They claim the virus is so mild, milder than the's all been a "hoax."


They don't believe the numbers of deaths.  


No social distancing, masks, or vaccine for them.


Yes, to save the economy, those least at risk should return to work, but this attitude from the start is disturbing.  




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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

Just a observation about people!!!


A young child was behind me today at Dollar Tree.  He was holding his bag of popcorn & had a card.  


Now, I know he meant no harm to me or others BUT some ignorant know it all "mask police" woman said to him : "you're in her space (not behind orange line but not directly near me) don't you know about social distancing or don't you care"!!


Needless to say, I was po'd how dare this older lady speak 1) on my behalf and 2) chastise a 9 year old (he looked about this age).


I told her to mind her own business & he's a child.   If she was so worried about getting sick stay home😡....normally, I'd just do the eye roll but c'mon a kid!!  By the way, he had a bandana on!!!


Grrrrrr sick of people "policing" others😡

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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

All I have to say is we’ll see when this opening of everything is over.

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Registered: ‎03-29-2019

Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

Humans are a social creature.



The species has always thrived as a group.




Think about it, as homosapiens evolved, did each person live in their own individual cave?




No, we lived as a group.



It is hard wired in to our primal brain to seek out others and to come together.





The initial reason to socially distance was to flatten the curve, so that hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed.




That has been done!




We can't stay away from our own kind forever.



It's not healthy psychologically.




There has to come a time where something has to change, especially if after three months the best that they can come with is to wear a mask, wash your hands, and don't touch each other.


And yes, I DO wear a mask, and I do try to socially distance. 

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

I'm not even saddened by the selfishness anymore.  Just disgusted.  We really are on our own and have to do our best to take care of ourselves.









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Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,500
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

I can't control what other people believe about the virus nor can I control what others do, I am not policing others. I can only control what I choose to do and that is use common sense.  Since I am in the "at risk" category I choose to stay mostly at home, use food pick up and if I venture out wear a mask and social distance. I am getting my hair done in 2 weeks in a salon where the staff all have their own rooms with a door.  Taking my dog for grooming, they will come to my car and take dog, call me when he is finished, bring him out and I pay on line.  Some stores (best buy) have shopping in store by appointment with an employee assigned to each shopper.  Hand sanitizer available to all.  These are activities I am planning to do in the next 2 weeks. Need an eye appointment but not ready for that yet.  I feel comfortable with my decisions.  


People have to work  One DD is a teacher so is at home but her DH has to go to office, DD & other SIL in medical field and have to go out.  Circumstances are different and all we can do is the best we can.  Stay safe.

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Posts: 66,690
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: No Surprise Here, But Saddened

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

Humans are a social creature.



The species has always thrived as a group.




Think about it, as homosapiens evolved, did each person live in their own individual cave?




No, we lived as a group.



It is hard wired in to our primal brain to seek out others and to come together.





The initial reason to socially distance was to flatten the curve, so that hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed.




That has been done!




We can't stay away from our own kind forever.



It's not healthy psychologically.




There has to come a time where something has to change, especially if after three months the best that they can come with is to wear a mask, wash your hands, and don't touch each other.


And yes, I DO wear a mask, and I do try to socially distance. 

Isn't that the truth... No one can stay in, wash their hands endlessly, and social distance forever... These stop-gap measures are not the long-term solution... And, as for doing these things until we 'stop' the virus, two thoughts... First, define 'stop'... and secondly, these things are not going to eradicate it... Those oft touted scientists need to come up with a Plan B...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...