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I'm sure my friend has not sought medical assistance. I've not said or written anything more about the dog bite. She knows what my advice was. All I can do is hope that she heals well with no complications. Her friend had better pray that nothing bad happens to her friend and to her grandchildren.if that's the case, the dog's future will be grim.

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just read this posting.

this is NO friend at all. having a dangerous dog around her own family and letting family/friends visit and not warning people of this dangerous dog is beyond stupid, she is putting her own family and lives of everyone else connected with this family below this dangerous dog. she is thinking only of this dog and could care less about everyone else. anyone who thinks that an animal is more important than family and friend lives is selfish, narcissistic, crazy person. I would get to doctor ASAP,report this dog to animal control,contact police and who ever else that needs to be contacted and not go to her house ever again. if she is a friend like that she is no friend to have

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@kitty60 wrote:

Your friend needs to be seen by a dr.  I love dogs but her health is much more important.  If in fact this dog has a patterm of biting, that needs to be addressed.

@kitty60 I was thinking about this yesterday and when I was growing up and was around all sorts of animals large and small.


Fact is that in the animal realm just as with people they have distinct personalities.  There were animals known as ill tempered.  And, from observations there are people that way too.


You can't fix everybody or every animal to be nice or even just behave.  Some people won't admit there are ill tempered dogs, but it's just the way of the world.  If you have one and choose to keep it, you should take that into consideration and keep it away from others.


If you don't that's on you.  


Don't you know people who are never nice?  Seems like sometimes they just don't have it in them.  Well, some dogs, cats and cattle and horses and chickens are the same way.


People bite with words usually, but animals tend to use teeth, claws, hooves or beaks.  

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@Desertdi wrote:

Your friend could say a STRAY dog bit her.........


I wouldn't advise doing that.  It sounds as though this dog is a danger.  Lying puts others  (including children) at risk.  In a situation like this, it's best to be honest & truthful - for the sake of everyone.


And if a friendship ends because of this, then the friend wasn't much of a friend to begin with.  She should have insisted that the OP's friend be treated, and she should have offered to pay for it, and shown some compassion.  

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@AuntG wrote:

Of course she must seek medical care. Doesn't have to divulge details - they have to treat her.


It's irresponsible to withhold details.  And they will ask.  The only way to not divulge details would be to make up a story, i.e. lie.  And this is a situation where lying can be dangerous, not only to the OP's friend, but also to others.


I am a dog lover, and have been my entire life.  But anyone bit by a dog needs medical attention.  And they need to be honest about the circumstances.  She could be at risk for rabies, and that's a big deal.  There are other ramifications of not taking care of this situation properly, too.


I don't see any of this at all as any kind of dilemma.  She should get medical treatment, and give all the details that are requested.  Honestly.  That's the responsible thing to do.  (If a friendship falls by the wayside because of that, I would see it as no great loss.)

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Posts: 6,889
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@Vivian wrote:

I'm sure my friend has not sought medical assistance. I've not said or written anything more about the dog bite. She knows what my advice was. All I can do is hope that she heals well with no complications. Her friend had better pray that nothing bad happens to her friend and to her grandchildren.if that's the case, the dog's future will be grim.


It doesn't seem there's much else you can do.


I was bitten by a friend's dog, and her husband drove me to Urgent Care right away.  The dog was quarantined for a few days.  They weren't happy about it of course, but they never in any way blamed me.  And our friendship has continued for years afterward, as strong as ever.


It's terrible that your friend is in the position of feeling she has a dilemma.  Her friend's family should not have made her feel that way.  I wish her the best.