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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

[ Edited ]

According to the CDC, less than 6000 people out of 83 million fully vaccinated peoples have gotten Covid which comes to 0.007%. That number could be underestimated as about 30% of those 6000 had no symptoms. Please tell me where you get your data from. It is very likely. that there will be the need for boosters as immunity decreases with time.



I don't believe everything I hear from CDC is accurate, some is, some isn't, they have been all over the place during this pandemic; however, the 60% that was posted has been confirmed by reliable sources.  If that 60% number turns out to be untrue, I will say so. 


You think the 6,000 CDC reported, if accurate, is minuscule compared to 84 million.  You're not concerned...but could it increase in those vaccinated when all restrictions are lifted?  Also, how long will immunity last?  Some possibly only a few months, others longer?  


I haven't heard the vaccine was guaranteed to prevent Covid or reduce its severity.  Does anyone really really know yet?  It's experimental. The truth should be revealed after restrictions are lifted.  


Except, we are seeing some people getting Covid who have had the vaccination, so at this time, how can anyone guarantee others won't get it.  


Lastly, you said around 30% of the 6,000 would be asymptomatic.  Did CDC say that?


Explain why those who got asymptomatic Covid after they received the vaccination would report something they don't know they have?  Same with those who got it before the vaccination, unless they were tested.  How many in the U.S. were not tested?


Doctors like to give their opinions. There is speculation in the news that some who have had Covid before getting the vaccine may get it again, but I haven't heard that to be true.






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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

I have so many things to say about this post and about Mrs. Centner but I would be banned here for life. 


Very strange indeed.

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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.


@Drythe wrote:

@Foxxee wrote:

I'm not going to pooh, pooh this school until more information is available.


The CDC is reporting around 60% of those getting Covid now have been vaccinated.  


It's also reporting increasing deaths and serious side effects in all ages in those who have received the vaccine.  This vaccine is experimental. 


Since it works differently than the flu vaccine no one knows the long term effects.    


The vaccine doesn't prevent anyone from getting Covid, it keeps the person from getting a severe case of it; however, there is treatment available now that works very well for those afraid to get it.   


Personally, I don't think masks work very well, not the fabric masks most are wearing.  Viruses are very tiny, smaller than bacteria, and can pass through this fabric. 


The best way to prevent any virus...cold, flu, or Covid, is to stay away from and don't touch anything those who have it touched.  


This vaccine being given now is not a cure as is  observed by those getting Covid who have been vaccinated. Pfizer is working on including a Covid vaccine in with the yearly flu vaccine, so it will be around in the future.    


Don't question me about what I said here.  It's readily available from CDC and elsewhere. 



Don't see the two comments I highlighted anywhere on CDC.


Also Viruses don't motor around all alone, in the case with COVID, they travel in saliva droplets, which are not tiny.  2 layer Fabric does stop them.


You have previously stated you believe nothing the CDC says, why 'quote' them now?


No lecture, no scolding, I totally get your drift.



Initially, CDC recommended no mask, then one, later two, even the possibility of using three.  Someone who is a specialist in virology would know one mask would not work, but who's using two?  Maybe, in your area, but I see very few here and on crowds.  


I do not believe everything CDC says.  The 60% I quoted was confirmed by a very reliable source. Did I need to go into detail when I initially posted that comment? I guess so from the reactions here.  If it turns out to be untrue, I will say so. 


I looked for the 60% today and couldn't find it, as well.  Sorry, but I'm not responsible for what is added or deleted from CDC's website.  


It is nice to know a few here are checking on accuracy themselves rather than asking someone to prove it. 

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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

I have so many things to say about this post and about Mrs. Centner but I would be banned here for life. 


Very strange indeed.



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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

My co-worker is married to a respiratory therapist and they send their daughter to a private Christian school that is refusing to adhere to the mask mandate in our state of Ohio.  After seeing what is happening at his hospital, their daughter is a virtual student who will be attending another school in the Fall.  When they thought they had found a new school and went for a visit, everyone was wearing a mask.  When they returned the following week for their daughter to shadow a student for the day, the principal told them that a percentage of the students had filed a lawsuit with the state to not wear masks during school and they won approval. My co-worker promptly told the principal her opinion and she and her daughter left.  Her daughter will be attending public school in the Fall where all health precautions are required.   So all this craziness about not getting vaccines and not wearing masks to protect yourself and others is happening all over the country. 

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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

@Kachina624 wrote:

Florida seems to march to a different tune.  Lots of weirdness going on there. This may take the cake. 

I Live in this state and while I like to think nothing shocks me any more, lo and behold something does.  Our numbers are still higher than I would like them.  The only thing I can do is keep myself as safe as possible.

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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Puppy Lips I beg to differ. California isn't doing anything this stupid and insane and disregarding the health of its citizens.

Maybe not this specific thing, but plenty of other things.  Can't get into that now as the post will be deleted for sure.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

@september wrote:

@Puppy Lips wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

Florida seems to march to a different tune.  Lots of weirdness going on there. This may take the cake. 

I beg to differ. California takes the cake on weirdness.

I beg to differ with @Puppy Lips  on this issue.    CA has been very pro-vaccine and has had some of the toughest (some would say, too tough) covid restrictions. 

I was referring to "weirdness," not this specific situation.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

@Kachina624 wrote:

Florida seems to march to a different tune.  Lots of weirdness going on there. This may take the cake. 


@Kachina624 - couldn't have said it better myself.  

I will just add that no way would my children go to school there.  

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Miami school bars COVID vaccinated teachers.

With tuition of about $30,000 per year, per student, I imagine that a lot of parents would not send their children there.