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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

Happy Tuesday With Birds And Roses Pictures, Photos, and Images for  Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

hey all

not the greatest day=no rain as of yet, but going into  wet weather till next week monday.

have windows open. 

not much else. later guys

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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

@Snicks1   Somebody changed her avatar.  Heart Luther Heart

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

Before you eat the cake, how well do you know these people @Snicks1  Woman Very Happy

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

Oh Lily @Desert Lily   I'm so sorry about the bird nest.  If I am understanding it correctly, the nest had eggs, not hatchlings?


There are some birds that try to lay eggs in another bird's nest to get the nesting bird to raise their kids.  Perhaps a bird came by to try to lay an egg in a nest that wasn't hers and a fight broke out?


Usually the danger comes once the babies have hatched.  It's been my experience that Blue Jays will snatch a baby sparrow hatchling out of a nest as food for the Blue Jays kids.  I had it going on with Blue Jays so bad that I wrote to Cornell's Ornithology people and asked for advice on killing Blue Jays.  I have to say that the lady who responded didn't judge me, lol.  I found peace among the birds by tossing peanuts for the Blue Jays on the other side of the yard.  God knows chasing them with brooms didn't work.


There are some birds, grackles, that are thugs pure and simple.  As much as I hated the Blue Jays (until we found a compromise) the grackles were worse because they didn't kills the sparrow fledglings as food, they simply ripped their heads off and I would find the little bird's head and body separated on the patio.  It was a grackle that did it.


How's Anne doing?


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

My pallet of dirt was delivered yesterday.  We all know what a forklift looks like - I'm including a picture to describe something.


The Forklift Center


You see in front of the steering wheel that metal thing that the fork part slides up and down on.  


When the delivery guy said, I'm not going to be able to clear your garage opening (top) I said yea...and...


I said, it's costing me an extra $80 for you to get this pallett about 8 inches further than you think you can go.  I'm paying more for delivery than I am for the dirt and I trust that home depot hires professionals who've seen it all and done it all.


I smiled.


He got it done - he put the tips of the fork part of the lift again the wood pallet and scooted it inside.


Glad that's done.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

@Snicks1 wrote:

Good morning.
Not much planned for today. I do need to go buy more food for the critters, dog, squirrels, birds.
Strangely, my neighbors across the street gave me a cake yesterday. A whole cake, lol. Very sweet of them, but what am I going to do with a whole cake, lol.
Hope everyone has a nice day!


@Snicks1   Slice the cake, wrap each slice about six times in saran, then put into freezer bag, I do it all the time with muffins, cookies, bread, etc., etc.


Love your new Avatar. Smiley Happy

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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

@Bird mama, oh, it came from a bakery. If it were homemade, it would already be put down the disposal, lol, I am the worst at eating anything that came from others' kitchens. And yet, I make and give homemade food to people all the time. Go figure. Maybe it all ends up down the disposal as well, lol.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

@Bird mama, good deal getting the soil where you wanted it. I was going to say, why didn't he just use the tongs to push the pallet? So was glad to read that he did just that.
In a much earlier lifetime, I was parts manager for a Hyster forklift company, lol.
I learned a lot about heavy equipment while working there. Lol, fun tidbit, whenever the shop mechanics got done working on an given piece of equipment, before it was hauled back to the customer, I would go to the shop and talk them into letting me drive said equipment around the parking lot. At first, the guys oculdn't believe I wanted to do this, but after a while, they would automatically come get me when they were done with a job, lol. That was fun. Way back in my 30s, we all were about the same age, and had fun working together.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: May Flowers and New Life at the Bird's Nest: May 2024

@mousiegirl, thanks, for the advice and about the avatar. After 2 days of not eating more cake, that is what I did. And of course, my new avatar is Luther, at the groomers this morning.
"To each their own, in all things".