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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊



You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

I'm glad everyone is ok. When we lived in Jacksonville, one time I came out the apt. door where we lived. In a little nook was one of those snakes. You know, like the kind kids have. So I went over for a closer look. It was real. We had a little stream out back but a big old fence. Never crossed my mind about alligators. Of course, snakes could get through the fence. Anyway, I left it alone, and it left. No freaking out even.

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

We had water moccasins and copper head snakes around the house where I grew up.  I HATE snakes.  Snakes that come in my yard had better scurry on elsewhere before I see them.  


Yes, I now there are "good snakes" but I have a no snakes policy at my house and don't intend to share the back yard with them.


Or gaters!  LOL!!!  

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

We used to get snakes on our lanai every week when the gardners mowed so DH figured out that they were coming in under the door and replaced the brush thing that was there with a solid rubber and that stopped. I assume the mowers frightenred them and they looked for a safe place. Since they stopped building where we live we don't see as many wild animals - I guess now that all the natural habitat has been built on they have moved away.

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

those of you who suggested I pick him up by the tail and return him -- no thank you!!! I'm not that thrilled with any of the wildlife around here - water moccasins, gators & more!


Im happy to say he has found his way back to the pond I assume and I took a ride on the golf cart today and saw 2 more "sunning" on the side -- must be the momma & daddy cuz they were pretty big! 


all is well! And as I said my kitties are always inside my enclosed lanai area. Thank you have a good Sunday!

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

@Kachina624 wrote:

Why don't you or your intrepid DH pick it up and take it back to the pond?  Just approach it from the back and put it in a box.

I would not personally attempt to do it, where I would try and touch it or move it, even though it's small. They can move fast. 


Did you see all of its sharp little teeth in the photo? Smiley Surprised

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

@homedecor1 Glad all ended well, and you, DH, and kitties are safe.


I agree with you 100%. There is no way I would have picked that juvenile up and carried it back to a gator infested lake.  Had it not returned on its own, I would have called the County (or fish & game people) who actually know what they are doing, and much less likely to get injured.

Do the math.
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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

I would have put one hand on its top snoute, pressed down, so that the mouth was pressed firmly against the ground. That way, it can't open its mouth.


I then would have put the other hand on its tail.


Pick up, carry away to where it belongs.


I've even picked up cute little gecko lizzards and put them back outside.



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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊🐊

I would move!!

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Re: Holy Crow --- I had a visitor tonight🐊🐊🐊

@Kachina624 wrote:

Ah Florida is such a lovely place!  I can't for the life of me understand why anyone wants to live there.  There are other places without snow where you don't have dangerous reptiles on your doorstep.

Yeah, she could come to the desert southwest and deal with scorpions in the house.