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well,it happened air did not work at all in my buick.10 mind later,it blew cold air.its as if,something is sticking when turning off and on.non to say,im taking it to dealership sat morning to have them look at it.really tired of this.right now,in my area,weather has been decent,so not turning on air especially today,isn't a big deal.but I can't have this happen come winter.darn it!always a bill lurking around!

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Could be just the fan.  Mine did that once.  A friend just took it out and put it back in and it started working.  Been working 3 years since.  I had to drive a real bumpy road on the way to work and it must have somehow got loose and lost contact.  Anyway, hopefully its something simple like that.

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If your car is out of warranty,  I would go to a garage which is much less expensive. 

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You have 2 components to your a/c. A compressor and your fan. You need both to work.


Start your vehicle, turn on your heater fan on heat or air circulation. See if it runs on all speeds. Runs okay? Then you're good there.


Pop the hood. Turn on the heat a/c setting to ac. You should hear the compressor turn off/on. It cycles. You don't need your compressor for heat or circulation.


Before you go to the dealership, take it to Auto Zone or Advanced. Ask the counter clerk if someone can give it a listen. They'll do it for free if not busy.


There is refrigerant you can get with stop leak. If that's what it needs. The dealer will sell you a new compressor as they won't use stop leak.


If your vehicle is older I would say forget either repair till next summer. 



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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

well,it happened air did not work at all in my buick.10 mind later,it blew cold air.its as if,something is sticking when turning off and on.non to say,im taking it to dealership sat morning to have them look at it.really tired of this.right now,in my area,weather has been decent,so not turning on air especially today,isn't a big deal.but I can't have this happen come winter.darn it!always a bill lurking around!

It won't stop you from getting heat during the winter.

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You don't use the air conditioner in winter. That is totally and completely 100% separate from the heater.



They are two different systems.


They operate differently from each other.



Just try running the HEATER and see if that is working normally.



If it is, then you don't need to go running to the dealership, and you can get the air conditioner looked at at a later date.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

thank you snowpuppy for this info.i appreciate it