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I have an angled bob, currently, and I need a trim (or a re-do).  It's somewhere in mid-neck range (definitely longer than my jaw line) and I am looking at two things:  a chin-length straight blunt bob with maybe some chop in the back, 


or, a Pixie and just fogettaboutit and leave the hair behind.  DH has said at times something about women looking like they "gave up" when their hair is short, but I mean, really?  Balding men get to say how we wear our hair?


I'll know by the time of my appt tomorrow.  I'm leaning towards the blunt bob.

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@Sweetbay magnolia,

I think some face shapes look pretty or cute with a pixie but some to me anyway just look like sigh yes I'm over middle age I'm chopping it all off. And yeah it does kind of all look liike the same as everyone elses over 50. I know a lady who looks really good with a short pixie cut-very pretty and she's about 60. My husband always liked me in short hair but I always felt more feminine and more options with longer hair.

So picture yourself both ways and think what makes you feel the best?

What makes you feel the prettiest?

And sometimes its nice to have a change but how do you like your hair the best?

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@on the bay , Thanks!  I like it short.  I have nice hair but I guess I am tired of keeping it.  It is nice because I care for it well.

Cogito ergo sum
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@Sweetbay magnolia perhaps you take these choices to your stylist and see what he or she recommends.  Best advice mine ever gave was to help me see that blunt bangs would not be my best look.  I have since thanked her for helping me avoid that hair mishap. Change is good.  Let us know what you decide.


Men often have an opinion shared when they are trying to be helpful.  Maybe we asked for their opinion or perhaps not.  I hope you are happy with your new style and that DH offers compliments.  

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Is there a site you can try on different styles....I like both styles but a lot depends on your face and what compliments it.  The only time I loved Amy Strands hair was when it was in a short pixie style.  I thought she looked adorable.  I understand wanting a change.  I also know we don't always know what looks best on us.  I have a friend who has curly hair and always wears it straightened and past her shoulders.  Once she got it cut in a layered below chin and not shoulder lenth and let it go curly.  She looked the best she ever looked and so much younger and everyone said she looked great.  Nope she went back to the long straight style.  

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I don't know why he would think short hair means you gave up.  


I've found that when my hair was short it required more maintainence than long hair that can be pulled back into a clip.


With short hair you can never have a who cares hair day!

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Re: Haircut Dilemma

[ Edited ]

I've worn both styles. When I retired, I grew my hair out from a very short pixie-like style.  It's a short bob with some layers in the enter of the back. It's easier to take care of than my pixie. I wash and let it dry on its own. I never had curls before but I have a little wave in the bottom inch or two so I just brush it where I want it to be and use my fingers to keep it there when drying. I usually touch it up with a flat iron if I'm going anywhere.

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Blunt bob


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Also, I'm tired of messing with my hair.  Leaning towards, letting it grow, and see what it looks like as the gray comes out more.  My mother's hair was a combo of 3 naturally, and I'd love that for me.  I may just do it, it must be time.

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go with blunt bob and try for a while, then you can always go pixie. if you go pixie and don't like it, it will take some growing out before you can try the blunt bob.