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Giving & Receiving Compliments

[ Edited ]


Do you give compliments?


I try to give at least one sincere compliment to someone each day. I think most of us like compliments. They can put a spring in your step, a smile on your face, and lift your spirits. 😊


If I am visiting a church I always compliment and thank them for the music when the service is over. I have complimented people I know & strangers on hair and clothes. I will compliment the cook, whether it be family, friends, or the chef at a restaurant. I give compliments to our neighbors on their landscaping & gardens. I have also posted compliments to people on this forum and to others on Twitter. I gave lots of compliments to my students when I was teaching. 


Is there anything you get lots of compliments on?

I get lots of compliments on my singing at church and other venues. I also get compliments when I bake and share my mom's homemade cookies. Sometimes people compliment me on my outfits.



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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

Thank you's to me are different than compliments.  They may or may not be included with compliments.


I compliment only those I think are deserving. I must think they are very talented, dressed beautifully, do an exceptional job beyond what most others are capable of doing.  


I once had a landscaper who had talent above and beyond anyone I had seen.  He received compliments from me.  It's not easy to find someone who will trim the shrubs, and do the edging exactly the way I want. 


Some singers are exceptional, others are good, but not even close.


Some women know themselves so well, they choose colors, styles, that are perfect for them.  They get compliments.  I won't compliment someone's shirt even if I like it when it doesn't look good on them.


Casual compliments to too many people lack sincerity.  


Actually, I don't care if no one compliments me. I know when I've done something well, am wearing an outfit that flatters me. 


I do thank people who compliment me, though.  









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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I truly enjoy giving compliments, I believe they are one of the easiest ways to make someone's day. In these difficult times I am always trying to do something that can put a smile on someone elses face. You never know what someone else is dealing with or what kind of news they may have received, so a kind gesture or words may be what helps them get  through the day. And it costs nothing.



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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

People STARE and don't say anything.    I feel  the same way about THEM....

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I try to compliment people, even those I don't know. I know how good I feel when a complete stranger happens to compliment me. It makes my day. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I do give compliments when I feel something is special for any reason.

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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

[ Edited ]

@Foxxee wrote:

Thank you's to me are different than compliments.  They may or may not be included with compliments.



I agree. I also like to thank people for things they do. 










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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

@Desertdi wrote:

People STARE and don't say anything.    I feel  the same way about THEM....

@Desertdi   Not sure what you mean. People watching?

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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

@Shanus wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

People STARE and don't say anything.    I feel  the same way about THEM....

@Desertdi   Not sure what you mean. People watching?

@Shanus    Nah...just "looking"...might be because I have a lot of ear piercings...ya know...from the '70's


Then again...I wear some outré eyeglass frames...(retro '70's also).


You might as well call me an "aging Hippie".........




♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I will compliment a pretty manicure. Sometimes there's so much detail on on each nail. The receiver always is happy I noticed.