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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

Compliments are nice especially when they are truly meant but not if they are "empty" compliments

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-19-2014

Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I do hand out sincere compliments but probably not as often as I should.  I rarely do that with strangers though but I've had strangers give me a compliment or two.  

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I know a few people who would probably die on the spot if a compliment to anyone ever crossed their lips.  What a way to live. 

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Posts: 20,648
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Giving & Receiving Compliments

I like to give compliments, when it's honest.  Agree with others that empty compliments are cringeworthy.     I can't even imagine complimenting somebody when I'm being disengenuous.   People know and I'd be so embarrassed.   I've had people say things to me like that, when I knew they were just saying stuff.  I know they probably meant well, so I just keep my trap shut but it's just creepy.


As to receiving compliments - I'm not so good at that.  I end up feeling self-conscious but I will be as gracious as possible.  I think all those years of being told how worthless, stupid, etc, that I was made it hard for me to accept a compliment.   I'd just rather not but I also, somewhere way down inside of myself, appreciate it.  Smiley Happy


Just the other day I was at an establishment, being helped by such a nice young lady.  She was also beautiful and I like to tell somebody like that how beautiful they are.  Most people accept it very well.  She said it made her day and I thought that was wonderful.   I don't get all slobbery and make it weird or anything because I would never want to creep somebody out but.   I simply state that the person is so beautiful and I've never gotten a negative response.   


Also, when I'm on the phone with a company and am fortunate enough to speak with somebody who is kind, knowledgeable, and helpful, I will thank them so much and, along with wishing them a great day, will tell them (honestly of course) that I hope everybody they speak with is nice to them.  People always seem to appreciate that greatly.


I have little power in life these days so if I can make a nice person's day better that's just wonderful.