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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

Cuban !!  

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

I loved all the Slovenian dishes my MIL made, and her bakery was to die for. I don’t even come close to her domestic skills.
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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

Duh. Italian! 😄🇮🇹

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

I'm not an adventurous eater.  I prefer American cuisine but do enjoy Italian food....real Italian.  My mom's family was Canadian and I have been to England many times so there are some English foods I enjoy.

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

[ Edited ]

Too many to have one favorite.


                       Middle Eastern




                       Traditional New England

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

Puerto Rican and Italian food. I wouldn't say no to Chinese either.

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

I love the tomato and garlic that is Italian!!!

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

Super low carb American only for me. I can't stand Chinese, Thai, most Mexican, Italian, Greek, Cuban, or certainly not Indian or middle Eastern. My taste is simple, defined, and healthy.

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

Italian is very good for special occasions.

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Re: Food Talk: What is your favorite....

[ Edited ]

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

Super low carb American only for me. I can't stand Chinese, Thai, most Mexican, Italian, Greek, Cuban, or certainly not Indian or middle Eastern. My taste is simple, defined, and healthy.


I just checked out the top 10 healthiest cuisines in the world and the United States isn't even close. Japanese is number one trailed by Singapore, China and Sweden. France, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Israel and Greece complete the list


Explore something new. Your pallet will thank you


Edited to add that I'm not trying to steer you away from low carb but just maybe try some new flavors? I think you can keep low carb in any cuisine